Page 40 of Dark Crown

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Her eyes flash. “You’re the most infuriating man I’ve ever met.”

“Good,” I murmur, as Eliza is as infuriating to me. An enigma that I can’t quite understand. A puzzle that I can’t complete. It’s both maddening and thrilling. For the first time in such a long time, she makes me feel alive. I can’t work out if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

I grab the back of her neck and pull her to me. “You keep surprising me, Eliza.” I kiss her then, my lips firm against hers as I enjoy the way they feel.

What has this witch done to me?

I thrust my tongue through her lips, which part reluctantly and then I tangle it with hers.

Eliza’s body becomes more pliable, and she melts into my arms, a soft little moan escaping her throat as the kiss deepens.

My cock is as hard as stone and incessantly pressing against the zipper of my pants. A desperation to have her is clawing at me, so I force myself away from her and gasp for oxygen. “I can’t wait to have you again tonight, baby girl.”

There’s a flash of desire in her eyes, but it’s quickly replaced by shame. I know she enjoys what I do to her, but it must be conflicting. After all, I’m the monster that flipped her world upside down without a care, murdered her father in front of her eyes and stole her virtue like a thief in the night.

“Now sit back and enjoy the journey, thinking about bouncing on my cock,” I order, pushing her back against the seat.

Her nostrils flare. “You’re a pig.”

I don’t respond to her anger, gazing out of the window myself as the car pulls up to the vast iron gates. The gates open the moment the guards recognize the car and I tap my foot in a solid rhythm on the floor, eager to get my wife inside and naked in my bed.

I don’t understand this desire I have for her or why the moment we met it was apparent, but I won’t fight it. Eliza needs to provide me an heir and the best way to ensure it is to have her as often as possible, its pure logic. No matter how much I tell myself that, I know deep down, if she were to tell me she’s pregnant tomorrow, I wouldn’t be able to stop fucking her. Hell, the idea makes me want to fuck her more.

The vehicle rolls to a stop outside of the front door and I slide out of it, allowing my driver, Gustavo, to help Eliza out the other side.

Eliza shudders as I slide my hand to the small of her back and give Gustavo a nod of thanks.

“Come now, baby girl. Let’s get you to bed.” I brush my lips against her earlobe and she shakes.

“I hate you,” she murmurs.

I smile at that. “Haven’t you heard there’s a fine line between love and hate?”

She looks at me then as if I’m totally fucking crazy. “There’s no way in a million fucking years that this between us will ever transverse that line.”

“Never say never.” I steer her up the stairs and toward my bedroom.

Once inside, I feel the darkness taking hold of me. Eliza hasn’t even seen the extent to which I can inflict pain and enjoy it. The way a woman’s screams of pain make me climax harder than anything can. I swallow hard, surprised by my uncertainty about experimenting with my innocent wife.

“Strip,” I order, flexing my fingers together.

Eliza glares at me with passionate hatred. “Fuck you.”

I roll my eyes. “Eliza, how many times do we have to do this?”

Her nostrils flare. “You’ve already fucked me tonight.”

I move toward her with predatory steps. “What’s your point?”

Eliza’s tongue darts over her bottom lip as she takes a step backward, the back of her thighs hitting into the bed. “Once a day is enough to get me pregnant.”

“No harm in being doubly certain. Now strip.”

Defeat registers in her eyes as she pulls the straps of her dress down before letting the soft fabric fall in a pool at her ankles. And then she pulls her panties down and drops them on the floor too, followed by her bra. Once she’s entirely naked, she wraps an arm around herself and gazes at the floor.

I take in every dip and curve of her body, knowing that she is without a doubt the most exquisite woman I’ve ever been with. “Come here,” I order.

She looks at me as if surprised and then reluctantly walks over to me, stopping with a good foot between us.

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance