Page 38 of Dark Crown

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Agreeing to this dinner was merely a courtesy after we hashed out the logistics of a deal between the city and the cartel. A deal that far surpasses anything any of the other organizations in the city have, which gives us a clear advantage in this war. The police will be in my pocket with the mayor on the cartel’s side, but I don’t trust him implicitly.

“What do you think about it, Adrik?”

I tear my eyes off my wife and look at Robert, brow furrowing. “Apologies. What was the question?”

Robert’s brow furrows as he glances between me and my wife and then shakes his head. “Don’t worry, we were young and newly wed once before. Let me guess, you can hardly think straight when you are around your new wife?” He raises a brow suggestively.

Eliza turns a deep shade of red, but I just laugh. “Something like that.”

He grabs his wife’s hand. “What it was like to be young and in love.”

She gives his hand a squeeze. “Indeed. I’d go back in a heartbeat to do it all again.”

If these two don’t fucking stop, I’m going to bring up the contents of my stomach.

Eliza looks a little green too as she gazes down at her half-empty plate with so much focus.

I clear my throat. “What did you ask me, Robert?”

He shakes his head. “I merely asked if you’d heard about the Morrone family’s application to extend their casino?”

I sit up straighter, narrowing my eyes. “No, I had not. When did they put it in?”

“About a month ago now, it’s pending approval from the city council.”

Finally, some information I can sink my teeth into and hopefully stop Massimo in his tracks. “And what will it take to ensure that it doesn’t pass through?”

Robert arches a brow. “Now, now, Adrik. We’re not here to talk business tonight. Especially not with our ladies here.” He squeezes his wife’s hand.

I clench my jaw as I knew he’d pull some kind of shit on me like this tonight. He is trying to shake me down for more money by keeping tidbits of information separate from our negotiations. I clench my fists under the table, wanting nothing more than to put this son of a bitch in his place.

And that’s when Eliza surprises me, reaching for my hand and squeezing it too. “You promised no work tonight, Adrik.” Her touch is alarming, and it sends a wave of electricity through my veins.

I squeeze her hand back, using her touch to ground me.

Perhaps she sensed I was about to lose my cool with this bastard. As I look into her eyes, whatever made her speak up, I’m thankful for it. “Indeed, I did promise.” I let go of her hand and nod. “We’ll have to arrange another meeting then.”

Robert nods. “Of course.”

A sense of unease sweeps through me as I wonder why Eliza did that after everything I’ve put her through. If I’d lost my cool with the mayor, then I could have kissed my deal goodbye. He’s one of the most powerful men in the city and the last thing I want is to buy my way into his bad books.

I take a long swig of whiskey, enjoying the way it burns my throat, grounding me. “Have you heard from Devereaux about the merger?”

The mayor shakes his head. “He’s keeping quiet about it, but it will put you in a far stronger position if you can swing it.”

Karen makes a tutting sound. “No work, remember boys.”

Robert runs a hand through his hair. “Of course, sorry, my love.” He glances at me. “We’ll have to have a meeting soon. I’ll get my guy to arrange it with yours.”

I nod in response. “Perfect.”

The server returns to our table to retrieve our dishes. Eliza has barely touched hers, which irritates me.

“Would you like to order dessert?” he asks.

I shake my head. “No, thanks—”

“I’d love to,” Karen says, dashing my hopes of a quick escape. “Can I see the menu?”

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance