Page 97 of Beast

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And he’d likely killed our father.

“You ready to talk now?” Pavel demanded. “I really don’t want to resort to violence, but I will, if necessary.”

I cast a nervous glance around the room, noting everyone’s expressions of shock and hurt and anger. Alexei appeared the most upset, and I couldn’t blame him. His only daughter was missing. How did I convince everyone that I was innocent and that I hadn’t harmed her? Especially since it was my fault Damien had taken her?

Just tell them the truth.

I don’t know if I can.

Blowing out a breath, I slowly began a recounting of everything that had happened since the moment we’d arrived at the lake house, leaving out the more intimate stuff that had happened between me and Annika. They didn’t need to know that much, and if I revealed that I’d touched her, they’d probably kill me.

Silence stretched after I finished explaining what I knew, leaving out my suspicions about Damien. I wanted absolute proof it was Damien before I told them what I believed. They might think I was working was him, so I had to be careful how I handled this.

Efrem exchanged a glance with Vadim, then met my stare. “I’ve noticed you watching Annika before too.”

“So have I,” Lev growled, his gaze hardening. “What the fuck, dude?”

Sacha and Dominik didn’t comment, but the heavy weight of their stares made me want to squirm.

“I always thought it was infatuation,” Efrem added. “Shit, Adrik, I don’t know if your affection is real or obsessive stalkerish?”

I hung my head, heat scalding my cheeks. “I’m not a stalker.”

“You and Tim have been alone with her here for over a week,” Vadim pointed out. “And I’m sure you traded off shifts. Makes me wonder if you took advantage of your alone time with her…” he trailed off, letting his meaning hang in the air.

I held back a snarl. How dare he suggest such a thing? I wouldnevertake advantage of her. If I could strangle him right now, I would. But I only clenched my jaw, keeping my rage in check.

Pavel’s expression hardened. “Have youtouchedher?” he demanded, fury in his voice.

I could lie and say I hadn’t. But I’d always been honest with these people. I wouldn’t lie to them. Ever.

“I, um, we…” I broke off, swallowing hard. “Yes.”

Alexei drew in a sharp breath.

Efrem blinked at me, but I couldn’t tell if he was upset or pleased by my admission.

Lev’s face twisted into a snarl.

Dominik’s expression didn’t change.

And Sacha merely stared at me, his gaze unreadable.

“Did yousleepwith her?” Pavel ground out.

I gulped, darting my gaze to Alexei. Surprisingly, despite his indrawn breath, Annika’s father didn’t look as angry as her uncle. But then again, he was more mild-mannered, like his son.

I blew out a breath. “Yes. But it’s…not like you think. I didn’t mean for it to happen. It just…did.”

Lev turned and slammed his fist into the wall by my head.

I flinched.

Honestly, I had expected his fist to connect with my face, so the fact that he’d struck the wall instead of me was not only shocking but also a relief.

Pavel got right into my face. “Youdaredto touch a Popov female? What gives you theright?”

I bowed my head. “I had no right,” I admitted. “I know that. But it was purely consensual. I would never force her to do anything she didn’t want to do. I care about her. Annika’s…special.”

Tags: Leslie Georgeson Romance