Page 76 of Beast

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Kicking the door closed behind us, I laid her back on the bed, slowly coming down over top of her.

A sudden urgency hit me.

Our time was running out. Ifeltit.

So, I would make her mine this one last time…



Adrik kissed his way down my neck, the soft trail of his lips sending flames leaping along my skin. When I was in his arms, all I could think about was our connection and how good he made me feel.

We discarded our clothes quickly, coming back together in our urgency. I marveled at how different our bodies were, mine soft and rounded, his hard and strong with perfectly straight lines.

I squirmed beneath him, moaning softly, as his large hands roamed over me, stroking softly, reverently, touching me everywhere.

I stroked over him in return, unable to resist running my fingers over his taut, sexy muscles, every touch sending desire scorching hotter and hotter through my veins. This was sexual attraction at its finest, our emotional connection heightening the experience and making it more than just sex. Iknewhe felt it too. Hehadto. Something this special could only be felt if it was shared between two people who cared about each other.

Adrik turned me on more than he knew, and I reveled in this moment, hoping to drag it out as long as possible.

He took charge this time around, bringing me to the edge and sending me sailing over the top time and again, until I was a complete and utter mess. I fell back with a sigh, my body tingling from multiple orgasms.

Only then did he snag another condom from his wallet and roll it on. He was such a courteous lover, seeing to my needs first. Spoiling me.Ruiningme. I couldn’t imagine being with any other man but him ever again.

He came back to me, our gazes locking.

I reached for him, my arms stroking up his sides, and spread my legs, urging him closer. Adrik settled over me, leaning on his forearms, watching my face as he slid home, filling me completely. Making me his. He wasn’t gentle this time. His thrusts deep and urgent. I moved with him, lost in his scent, his taste, his passion, in the delicious feel of his hard body moving in and out of mine, each stroke bringing me closer to the edge. There was no escape from his claiming. Overwhelmed by his pure masculinity, his sexiness, I became lost in the feelings he aroused in me.

Adrik’s possession was so complete that he sent me spiraling out of control with soft gasps and cries of pleasure as we both unraveled in each other’s arms, coming undone together.

We collapsed in a sweaty, breathless heap, our bodies still intimately entwined.

Gradually, I came back to earth, opening my eyes and pressing soft kisses along his jaw. “That was amazing,” I praised. “You’re such a stud.”

He snorted out a laugh, slowly lifting his head. “Glad you think so.”

We smiled at each other.

“Stay with me?” I tightened my arms around him.

His soulful dark eyes searched mine. “I’d like that.”

We spent the next few hours in bed, having sex.Somuch sex. By the time midnight rolled around, we were both spent from all the sexual activity. I’d never been sexually adventurous or explorative before, but with Adrik, I was eager to try anything and everything. We now knew each other’s bodies as well as we knew our own. My heart swelling with happiness, I cuddled against his chest after another round of mind-blowing sex. We both dozed off.

Then my phone shrilled from the nightstand where I’d left it earlier, startling us awake.

I should probably get it. It might be my family. Though I really didn’t want to talk to them right now. I was pissed at them for taking Adrik off the job.

Sighing, I rolled away from Adrik, reaching toward the phone and snatching it up.

I swiped the screen, my breath catching and my heart spasming.

“Ohmygod. It’shim. He g-got my new number somehow.”

Adrik bolted upright, his gaze bouncing to mine.

My hand shaking, I held it up so we could both read the text together.

Tags: Leslie Georgeson Romance