Page 37 of Beast

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But no one knew the whole truth about what had happened to me. Only the basics. I’d never given anyone the details or explainedwhyorhowit had happened.

Or, ultimately, what it had cost me.



As I entered my room moments later, my curiosity about Adrik increased. I’d come to the conclusion that he must have a scar or a burn or a deformity or something that he didn’t want me to see. Why else would he be so reluctant to show me his face?

Did he really think I was so shallow that I might shun him if I saw him?

He might if everyone else treated him cruelly.

An ache settled in my chest. I barely knew the man, yet he was already getting to me in a deep and undeniable way. There was just something solikeableabout him. Sosincere. I’d never been so eager to know someone before. The weird girl who preferred her piano to the company of others was strangely fascinated with her new bodyguard. Who was Adrik behind the hoodie and the messy hair and the sexy body? Would he ever show me?

And why was I so aware of him in a way I’d never been aware of any other man before? When he’d carried me to my room, my head had spun with attraction and longing and an inexplicable urge to know more about him. Toseewho he truly was. But it was more than just all those impressive muscles. Something about him had snared me from the very start and wouldn’t let go. He was a curiosity, afascinationthat I couldn’t ignore.

My phone buzzed from the small holder on my wheelchair, jolting me out of my thoughts. I’d left my regular phone in L.A. so the guy couldn’t track my movements and so that if he texted me again, my family would get the message instead of me and they could try to track him down. I now had a replacement phone with all my family’s numbers programmed into it. I’d been told that I just needed to treat this time in Tahoe like a vacation and not worry about things back in L.A.

I snatched the new phone up, swiping the screen.


Smiling, I answered. “Hey.”

“Hey, sis. How did the drive go?”

“Good. I slept most of the way. How are things there? Did you find the guy?”

He hesitated. “Not yet. But don’t you worry about it. You just enjoy your vacation.”

I huffed. “Vacation? I wouldn’t exactly call it that.”

Ef sighed. “I know. Sorry. But we don’t want you to worry. When Sacha and Willow get back to Tahoe, Sacha’s going to check in on you, okay?”

“Okay.” Sacha lived in the small cabin next door with Willow and her dog, Harley.

A pause. “How are Adrik and Timofey working out? You comfortable with them?”

“Yes. I like them. Timofey’s funny and Adrik’s…mysterious.”

Ef let out a soft chuckle. “Yeah, he’s a bit unusual, but truly a good guy. Once you get to know him, I’m sure you’ll agree.”

My brother praising Adrik only sent my curiosity meter shooting even higher.

He’s a bit unusual…

I could relate, being strange myself. Had I unknowingly sensed that oddness and that was what attracted me to him? Because he was different, like me?

“Honestly, I’m happy they were the ones who came here with me. I wouldn’t have been comfortable at all with Ivan and Oleg.”

“Well, your comfort and safety are our top priority, sis. As soon as we catch this guy, you can come home,” Ef assured me.

Returning to L.A. was not high on my list at the moment. I was looking forward to this time away. Looking forward to spending time with Adrik and learning more about him.

“Thanks, Ef. Tell Mom and everyone else I’m fine so they don’t worry. I’m going to take a shower and relax. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Will do.”

Tags: Leslie Georgeson Romance