Page 28 of Beast

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He lifted his hands in the air and stepped back. “I don’t know what’s going on right now, but I would never hurt you, Annika.Ever.”

Did he mean that? His words were vehement, but he also sounded wounded, as if I’d hurt his feelings. Unless I could look into his eyes and see his expression, how would I know if he was being truthful?

“You really don’t know what the text said?”

“No.” He sounded weary now, as if he wasn’t sure what to expect from me next.

Crap.I’d offended him. I slowly let go of the gun and rested my hand in my lap.

Just tell him.

I’d already memorized the text, anyway. How could Inotwith its sinister air?

“The text said:Little pig, little pig, let me in. You can pull on the hair of my chinny-chin-chin. The wolf is at your door, pretty Annika. He wants to play with the little piggy. He wants to poke you. Stab you. Gut you. Are you ready to squeal for me?”

“What the fuck?” Adrik muttered. “That’s twisted.”

“Your name…dark wolf...for a moment there, I thought…”

He flinched, rearing back as if I’d slapped him. “You thinkIsent that text?”

Did I? Truly?

Go with your gut, girl.

I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath. No, I didn’t. I’d just panicked. Freaked out.

It’s not Adrik.

The door to my grandfather’s office jerked open and Timofey stepped out, his gaze scanning over me, then Adrik. “What’s all that noise out here?”

Efrem appeared beside Timofey. Then my father and Uncle Pavel stepped out of the room.

Their stern gazes settled on Adrik.

Adrik spun away from me, keeping his head bent. “She thinks I’m herstalker.” The way he spat out that last word left no doubt I’d wounded him.

My heart twisted. I hadn’t meant to hurt Adrik.

Papa sent me a startled look. “Annika?”

I blew out a breath, shaking my head. “Sorry, my bad. It was just…learning his name not long after receiving that text… and him bearing a physical resemblance to my attacker…I freaked out and made an obviously incorrect assumption. It was stupid of me. My nerves are all wired and I’m a little strung tight is all. I’m sorry, Adrik.”

Everyone exchanged glances.

“Do you still want Adrik to accompany you to Tahoe?” Pavel asked. “We can easily assign someone else if you’re not comfortable with him.”

Adrik’s shoulders tensed.

Did I want someone else? All I had to say was “yes” and a different soldier would be assigned to protect me.

I stared at the mysterious man who wouldn’t show me his face, my gaze sweeping down his large, muscular, obviously very powerful body. The man who sent my pulse spiking whenever he was near.

The elusive “dark wolf” who waited silently for my response.

I needed more time to feel him out to see if my earlier instincts about him were correct. But in order to do that, I would have to be around him more.

Was Adrik Volkov dangerous?

Tags: Leslie Georgeson Romance