Page 25 of Beast

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Pavel motioned me forward, and Efrem took the phone from me.

Tim and I stepped back and waited while the three Popovs spoke quietly, looking at something on the phone.

“The text came from this phone,” Efrem murmured, sounding worried. “He was right outside the gate.Thatclose. He must have been watching and waiting for her. Or maybe he followed her home from the concert.”

Pavel made a sound in his throat. “That brazen motherfucker. He’s taunting us. Send soldiers outimmediatelyto hunt him down. Hemustbe stopped.”

Efrem called someone on his phone and ordered a team to search the area.

Uneasiness crept in. Was Annika in danger? I wanted to ask what was going on, but it wasn’t my place. If they wanted me to know, they would tell me.

“It’s a good thing Sacha is here tonight. Have him check the phone out. I want to be sure there’s no hidden surveillance or other spyware on it,” Pavel told Efrem before turning to us. “You’re dismissed.”

Sacha, my former boss, was not only a security expert, but also one of the most tech savvy people I’d ever known. If there was any type of harmful software on the phone, Sacha would find it.

Tim and I turned and headed back to our post on the front porch. But my mind spun with worry, and I couldn’t concentrate on anything but my concern for Annika. I hated not knowing what was happening.

About twenty minutes later, Artem spoke into my earpiece once again. “Adrik, Timofey, boss wants you both in his office. ASAP.”

My heart thumped. I was about to find out what was going on.

Without a word, Tim and I headed inside and strode down the long hallway toward thePakhan’soffice near the back of the estate.

The inside of the house gave off a feeling of openness with the huge, vaulted ceilings, large, spacious rooms, and floor-to-ceiling windows that provided stunning views of the ocean. Fancy artwork graced the walls. Expensive furnishings everywhere a person looked. Pristine white walls in the few areas that weren’t glass. The place screamed, “look, but don’t touch”. The Popovs weren’t afraid to show off their wealth, though their decorations were tasteful and pleasing to the eye rather than gaudy or over-the-top like some of the mansions I’d seen on television. They had a beautiful home—a far cry from where I’d grown up—and I always felt privileged whenever I was allowed inside.

Our footsteps announced our approach along the ceramic-tiled floor, then we paused outside of thePakhan’soffice.

I rapped my knuckles on the closed door.

It jerked open, and Efrem waved us into the room.

Dimitri Popov, the family patriarch and founder of the Popova Bratva, was seated behind the huge desk. Though he was officially retired from the Bratva, he still helped his sons run it from behind the scenes. I’d only met the guy a handful of times, so being allowed in his presence now was a rare moment and not to be taken lightly.

Tim and I stepped into the room, the scent of sandalwood incense lingering in the air and masking the faint cigar smell. The back wall behind the desk was lined with books in a variety of different subjects, some in Russian, the rest in English. Despite his “career choice” as a mobster, Dimitri Popov was a well-educated man. I had always been awed and intimidated by him. Several leather armchairs were situated around the room with small end tables, and two potted dracaena trees sat near the window, adding a tropical air.

Dimitri’s sons, Pavel and Alexei, were standing on either side of his desk.

Efrem motioned us forward, and we each took one of the vacant chairs.

Dimitri’s intimidating, mismatched stare moved over Tim and me, contemplation in his eyes. “We have a situation,” he began. “Annika received a text message tonight that is very disturbing. We believe her life may be in danger, so we are moving her out of L.A. immediately. You two will accompany her to Lake Tahoe where you will guard her at the lake house until further notice. No one must know Annika’s whereabouts. She is to stay inside the lake house and not be seen anywhere. Pack your bags and go to the garage where a vehicle will be waiting. You will leave here in exactly ten minutes. Any questions?”

Had I heard him correctly? They were entrustingmeto protect Annika?

I couldn’t find words to respond even if I wanted to.

Tim and I both shook our heads no.

“Don’t let this assignment go to your heads,” Dimitri warned. “Other soldiers were chosen over you, but Annika wasn’t comfortable with Pavel’s choice and requested you two. Because Annika’s comfort is of the upmost importance, we respected her decision. Do not let anything happen to her, or you’ll be answering to me personally.”

My breath snagged in my throat. Annika had chosenme?

I swallowed hard and nodded, finally finding my voice. “Yes, boss.”

“Go now,” Pavel ordered, scowling at us, obviously displeased by Annika’s choice of soldiers. “Don’t fuck this up.”

I won’t fail her. I will keep her safe. I will protect her, no matter what.

“Timofey, wait a moment,” Dimitri called. “We need to speak with you.”

Tags: Leslie Georgeson Romance