Page 18 of Beast

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Annika let out a soft snort and playfully smacked Tim’s arm, smiling up at him. “Oh, stop it, Timofey. You exaggerate.”

A pang of longing skewered through me. I wanted her to smile atmethat way. To tease withmethat way. To touchmyarm like that. My gut swirling with envy at Tim’s easy relationship with her—or was it jealousy?—I could only stand there and watch their interactions.

And wish it wasmeshe was talking to.

Tim smacked his chest in mock offense. “I most certainly do not exaggerate.”

She shook her head, smiling wide. “Oh, Timofey. You are much too kind.”

Tim glanced at me, his eyes twinkling. Clearing his throat, he refocused on Annika. “Okay. Ready to go for a quick ride, Miss Annika? Hang on tight, cause it might get a bit rocky up these mountainous steps.”

A soft laugh escaping her, Annika wrapped her small hands around the side rails of the chair.

My own lips twitched in response, a lightness filling my chest. How could anyonenotbe drawn under her spell? The woman was captivating without even trying to be.

Tim nodded at me.

Keeping my face averted so Annika wouldn’t see my hideous scars, I leaned down and helped Tim pick her chair up, carry it up the steps, then carefully deposit her in front of the door.

My pulse racing at her closeness, my nostrils flaring, I inhaled her sweet feminine scent. I’d never been this close to her before, and my senses were suddenly overwhelmed by her nearness. She smelled like sunshine and orange blossoms and warm summer days. My eyes feasted on her beauty from behind my hair, devouring every inch of her smooth, creamy skin and striking feminine features.

My breath hitched. My pulse quickened. My skin heated. Annika Popov was everything I wanted and could never have.Forbidden.If she had any idea what she did to me, she’d probably flee in the opposite direction as fast as she could.

Tim opened the front door for her and stepped back, bowing with great exaggeration. “You made it up Mount Everest unscathed. Now your castle awaits…”

Giggling, she turned her head toward me, a silky blonde curl falling over her shoulder. I froze, transfixed by that lock of shiny hair, my fingers itching to touch it.

She’s looking at you.

I jolted, quickly stepping back, keeping my head bowed. Had she seen my face?

Looking at her through the hair that fell into my eyes, I witnessed her smile faltering and a hurt, confused look crossing her face.

Pain zapped me right through the chest. Had I hurt her feelings by turning away?No.That was impossible. She didn’t even know me. I’d simply spared her from having to see the Beast. I wasprotectingher.

She swallowed, turning back to Tim. “Well, thank you, gentlemen, for getting me to the top of Mount Everest in one piece. Goodnight.” With a small wave of her hand at Timofey, and not even glancing my way again, she pressed the lever on the wheelchair and disappeared into the house.

Fuck.I’d hurt her feelings without even meaning to.

I’m going to puke.

Tim closed the door behind her. Turning his head, he stared at me pointedly. “That was rude of you, man, jerking away from her like that. She probably thought you were repulsed by her condition.”

Yeah. And now Tim was rubbing it in.

I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off. “You think I don’t know how you feel about that girl? Jesus, you get all clumsy and googly-eyed whenever she’s around. I’ve watched you watching her foreightyears, man. It’s sad that you think you have to hide from her. One of these days she’s going to see your face. And, seriously, what’s the worst that could happen? Can you honestly picture Annika screaming and running away? She’s tougher than that. She’s a fucking Popov. Give the girl some credit, man.”

Tim had noticed me watching her all these years? I hung my head, my face heating. “I won’t taint her beauty with even a glimpse of my ugliness. Ican’t.”

And Iwouldn’t.

No matter what happened, I would shield Annika from the Beast who worked for her family.

Because if Annika turned away from me in revulsion like so many others had, it would break me.

I could handle anything else, but that.


Tags: Leslie Georgeson Romance