Page 127 of Beast

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She lifted her head, our gazes locking.

And just like that, the air shifted, thickening with awareness and attraction and longing and an emotional connection I’d only ever experienced with her.

My gaze shifted down on its own accord, locking on her mouth and those smiling lips that I desperately wanted to taste.

“Adrik,” she said breathlessly, her own gaze dropping to my mouth, then crawling up to meet mine. “When are you going to kiss me with those beautiful, perfect lips? I’m dying here, you know.”

I laughed nervously. This was the moment I’d been waiting for. I could now kiss her properly. I prayed I did it right.

Slowly, I slid my mouth over hers, our lips brushing and sparks igniting between us.

She moaned softly, settling her body fully over mine, stroking her hands through my hair, and kissing me back.

Hell, yeah. Kissing her was the best fucking thing in the world, even better than I could have imagined. So, I took my time, wanting to revel in this moment, savoring her taste, exploring the shape of her lips and marveling at how well they fit against mine. Our tongues entwined, and the kiss turned into open-mouthed, full-on devouring. Mouth fucking at its finest.

The kiss went on and on. And on.

Gasping, I leaned back, trying to catch my breath.

She smiled down at me, her lips wet from my kisses and her eyes heavy with lust. “Just for the record,” she stated. “You’re a really good kisser. I hope you weren’t practicing on some other girl.”

A laugh burst out of me, my chest lighter than it had been in a long time. “You’re the only woman I’ve ever kissed and everwantedto kiss.”

“Really?” Her expression turned dreamy, and she sat up. I followed suit, and she scooted over so I could sit next to her on the bed.

It was time to stop putting this off. Time to tell her how I felt.

Reaching over, I placed my hand over hers.

“The first time I saw you, you were nineteen years old. You were coming out of a restaurant with your cousins, and youlooked awkward and uncomfortable. I could tell you were miserable and didn’t want to be there. I knew immediately that you were different from your cousins. And as I watched you, you reminded me of…myself.”

Annika’s eyes widened. “You’ve known me since I was nineteen? Why didn’t you ever come forward and introduce yourself?”

I expelled a breath. “You know why. I wanted to spare you from seeing the Beast. And besides, would you have even noticed me if I had?”

She hesitated. “I don’t know. I’ve never really paid much attention to men before. Until I met you.”

Our gazes locked.

Swallowing hard, I licked my lips. Her gaze followed the movement, making desire swell inside me.

Just spit out, man. Tell her.

“I know this might sound crazy,” I blurted, “but the truth is, I’ve felt a kinship with you from the moment I first saw you. You were different, like me. And as the years passed and I watched you from afar, it struck me one day that I loved you.”

Her lips parted, her eyes welling with tears. “You l-love me?”

I nodded, holding her stare. “I think I probably always have. But a boy growing up in the environment I grew up in really didn’t know anything about love, so it took a while for me to realize what I was feeling. My parents weren’t exactly a good example of a loving couple.”

Sadness filled her eyes. “I’m sorry to hear that. My parents are completely opposite. They’re still madly in love and always touching and kissing and not afraid to be affectionate in front of others. Sometimes it’s kind of gross.” She giggled. “My whole family is that way, really. Ef and I are the only single ones left.”

I threaded my fingers through hers, lifting her hand and pressing my lips to the back of it. “I’m hoping to change that, at least for you. As handsome as your brother is, I certainly don’t want to date him.”

She giggled, smacking my arm, and eyed me expectantly.

I cleared my throat again. “So, ahem, Annika Marie Popov, would you like to go sailing with me?” It wasn’t as good as a marriage proposal, but if she said “yes” to my question, a marriage proposal would probably follow sometime in the near future.

Her eyes widened, her mouth dropping open. Then she laughed, wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me tightly. “I thought you’d never ask! Yes! I love your boat. And I loveyou,Adrik. You snared me that first night when you helped Timofey lift my chair up the steps and I haven’t stopped thinking about you since. When can we leave?”

Tags: Leslie Georgeson Romance