Page 107 of Beast

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I snatched up my phone and called him.

“I’m here. Now what?”

A chuckle came over the line. “I hate to do this to you with your wounded leg and all, but now you’re gonna have to walk.”

I ground my jaw. “Where the fuck is she?”

“Get out of your car and head north into the woods. I’ll find you.”

He disconnected.


I shoved open the door. Luckily, I’d come prepared, tossing my makeshift crutch into the vehicle prior to leaving the Popov house. Grabbing the crutch, I slid out of the vehicle. Flicking on the flashlight I’d brought just in case, I hobbled into the woods. Sacha and Efrem had helped me clean and bandage my wound before I’d left, but Pavel had said I should see a doctor once I got back.

Until then, I would make do.

Because I had no other choice.

The Popovs were counting on me to bring Annika back.

I would do whatever was necessary to save her.

Even if it meant letting go my humanity and becoming the very thing I’d resisted for so long.

The Beast.



I listened at the bathroom door for several minutes.

Nothing but silence came from the other side.

Was he sitting out there waiting for me to try to escape so he could stab me again? Or had he gone somewhere?

I waited a moment longer, then decided to make a move. I wouldn’t know what was going on outside that door unless I ventured out there.

Turning the knob, I slowly opened the door and peered out into the dark hallway.

Nothing stirred.

He was gone. Or so still and quiet that I couldn’t sense him.

My thigh throbbing mercilessly, I forced myself to hobble out into the hallway, doing my best to ignore the pain and stay upright when my leg wanted to give out on me. I’d never hated my disability more than I did in that moment. But I couldn’t dwell on that. Right now, I had to stay focused. I had to concentrate on something besides the pain, or I’d never get out of here alive.

Slowly, painfully, I made my way down the hallway to the kitchen where Damien had first tossed me into the chair. The house was dark and silent, only a small light on above the stove.

He’d left. Probably to bring Adrik back.

I needed to get out of here before they returned, or Damien would use me to hurt Adrik.

I couldn’t allow that.

I needed to find my way home, then send help for Adrik.

I managed to make it across the kitchen to the back door before my leg gave out on me and I collapsed with a sob.

Tags: Leslie Georgeson Romance