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I knew she’d try to pull some shit like this. The second Soren was gone, she was on my case to throw the plan out the window. She wants to run away. She doesn’t trust us. She doesn’t trust anyone. She needs to learn when she makes a deal with us, the deal means something.

“Not happening.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

I laugh.

“Soren is down there, giving my money back to Luca. But that can’t happen. And it won’t happen. So there’s no point standing guard. You don’t want to keep me anyway, do you? Not really. You haven’t liked me since you found out I was married. You only fuck single ladies in the ass.”

She’s trying to get a rise out of me. She won’t get it. She thinks I don’t like her anymore, and she’s wrong. Very wrong. I like her as much as I always have. The more trouble she turns out to be, the more I like her, and the less I like myself.

“Let me out, Jason.” She scowls at me furiously, as if she can change my mind with the sheer force of her scared, spoiled will.

“No,” I say. “Sit tight and let Soren handle this. It’s all under control.”

“Let me go now, Jason, or I’ll make this hard for you.”

I laugh at her threat. She’s a little thing. A little thing who deserves to be spanked. Hard. And still, somehow. I don’t know how many times we’re going to punish her, or how many times it’s not going to take. Soren says she’s a long-term project. He’s probably right.

Aslin’s decided to make a stand. She’s picked up a vase with some cheap flowers in it and looks at me. “Last chance, Jason. Get out of my way and let me go.”

“Put that down, or I’ll tear your little ass up.”

The vase smashes against the wall, sending ceramic shards, water, and flowers everywhere. It’s just the first victim in a series of inanimate objects that fall to our battle of wills. Aslin makes a dash for the door again, and again I block her. Frustrated, she retreats and grabs the little caddy of sugars and coffee. She throws those too, spilling pink, brown, blue and white packets all over the carpet.

“Stop that,” I growl. “You’re going to clean up this mess.”

She responds by throwing an ashtray at a mirror. Both shatter, leaving sharp debris all over the carpet.

She’s such a fucking brat, and Soren is not here to tell me to take it easy on her. If she’s right, and this is the last time we’re in the same room, I’m taking this last opportunity to teach her the lesson she needs to learn.

I grab her and toss her down on the bed. She’s wearing a skirt, which helps access. I push it up over her ass. Her underwear is still in place. That’ll come down later. I’m going to take my time with her. She wants to be dealt with, I’ll deal with her.

Pinning her down on her back, I whip my belt out from my pants. It’s awkward to hold a squirming woman down, but Aslin makes it slightly easier than it needs to be. She doesn’t push up. She doesn’t twist. She lies under me and puts up what I’m going to call the pretense of a fight. This girl loves being pinned down. She won’t love what happens next. I loop the belt around my hand so the last several inches of the belt tongue are extended to just the right length.

I lift my hand and bring it down, testing the distance. I want to make sure I hit the right spot. With the way she’s been behaving, she’s due a proper punishment. One she won't forget. Soren wouldn’t approve, but Soren’s not here.

My belt lashes her pussy, the thick leather sweeping down against her sweet lips. She deserves this. This and so much more. She is a bad girl. She makes me want her. She makes me crave her. And she has Soren wrapped around her little finger to the extent we’ve flown halfway around the world to try to fix what she wanted to break all along.

She knows she deserves this. That’s why she keeps her legs open. That’s why her hips arch, and why her nipples are hard, why she relishes every painful stroke. She wants to hurt, but she doesn’t want to stop misbehaving. She wants to play this game, over and over, time and time again. She wants to do bad things, and she wants to be hurt for them.

I see her spread for me. Her pussy is pink and dripping her essence. Her eyes are lidded, lashes curled up at me as she gives me that look, the one no man could ever resist.

As much as I want to stay away from her, I can’t. My cock is fucking rock hard, demanding her. And she deserves to be fucked with a punished pussy. I want her to come on my cock with tears in her eyes. I want to make her come and I want to make her sorry at the same damn time.

Tags: Loki Renard Erotic