Page 84 of Princess Fallen

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“Doesn’t happen with someone of another species,” I finish for him.

“Yes.That’s correct.”

“It seems as though neither of us has a choice in this matter,” I say.

“Do you want to have a choice?”

“Yes, I do.And at the same time…I don’t.You have to understand me, Rogan.I’m independent.I always have been.I don’t depend on anyone, and I don’t want to begin depending on anyone now.”

“I get it.”

“Do you?That was never something I had to concern myself with.At least I never thought I did.”

“I get it now.I get why you insist on saying this will end between us.”

He’s partially right and partially wrong, and he knows it.He knows I wanted that spanking.

“It won’t end, princess.It willnotend, and I don’t want it to.”

Fire shoots through me, heating my entire body.I’m taut, like the strings of a violin, waiting for a musician’s bow to bring forth music from every part of me.

“When do we go back to The London?”I finally ask.

“After I make you mine.Again.And then again.”His lips come down on mine.

I open for him.Return his kiss with passion and desire.I could kiss this man forever and never tire of his lips, his tongue, the little moans vibrating from his throat.

In a flash, my mind empties of all thought except Rogan and our passion.Gone is the worry that he killed two of my kind on a mere threat.Gone is the concern that I’m kissing a killer, mated to a killer.

Gone is everything… Everything except Rogan and me and this kiss.

And just when I’m sure he’s going to throw me back on the bed—

A voice I don’t recognize…

“Victor Rogan.And Hannah Bates.I’ll be fucking damned.”


Iquickly roll the comforter around me to shield my nakedness.

“What the hell are you doing here?”Rogan demands.

“Good question,” I add, eyeing the figure in the doorway, “and how the hell do you know who I am?”

“I keep well aware of my alpha’s whereabouts.”

Rogan grabs a sheet off the bed and covers himself.“This is Dominic Park, second in command of our pack.”

Dominic Park is light where Victor is dark.Platinum blond hair and eyes so light blue they’re almost silver.He’s wearing faded jeans and a black T-shirt.

“That still doesn’t quite answer the question of how you know who I am.”I pull the comforter around me a little tighter.

“I contacted Dom once I found out who you were,” Rogan says.

“Why exactly?”

“For your protection, princess.What do you think?”

Tags: Helen Hardt Paranormal