Page 76 of Princess Fallen

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“So you’re not going to answer me then.You’re not going to tell me why you had a look on your face like you just figured out the meaning of life.”

Hardly.“No.I’m not going to tell you anything.I’m not the one who’s done something wrong here.You killed two of my people.”

He scoffs.“Your people?Since when do you even consider them your people?”

Rogan has a point.

“Does it really matter?Does it matter whether they were my people or not?What matters is you killed, Rogan.You killed two people.I don’t care if they were wolves, vampires, humans, or whatever.”

“What if they were demons?”

I meet his gaze.His green eyes are blazing with fire.

“Maybe you should tellme,” I say.“Tell me about all those demons who work for you.”

“Everyone in Las Vegas has demons on the payroll.”

“And why might that be?”

“You already know the answer to that, princess.Demons are great at security.”

“Not as great as you think.Your penthouse sure wasn’t secure.I was abducted by demons in your walk-in closet.”

“I’m still not exactly sure how that happened,” he says.

“Yeah, and I’m just that gullible.Don’t lie to me, Rogan.”

“I’m not lying, princess.”He curls his hands into fists.“You’re my fucking mate.Do you think I’d put you in danger intentionally?I don’t know how the fuck they got to you, but trust me—as soon as we’re able to return, I’m going to figure it out.”

“Why the hell aren’t you figuring it out now?”

“Don’t you think it’s killing me that I can’t?You’re my priority, princess.I can’t leave you, and I certainly can’t take you back to The London.Then there’s the rest of this shit.”


“Do I have to fucking spell it out for you?”He threads his fingers through his disheveled hair.“You were attacked, Hannah.You were attacked by a demon.Somehow, I was able to get you out of there and heal you.Apparently I have powers I never knew I had.”

I have to hand it to him.I’m speechless.

“Understand this, Hannah,” he says, using my name a second time.“My only thought was to get you the hell out of there.To get you to safety.I didn’t care about anything else.If two vampires had been standing in my way, and the only way I could get you to safety was to kill them and cut their hearts out, I would’ve done it.I would’ve done it, no questions asked, and I would’ve never looked back.”

Speechless again.Emotion roils through me—emotion I don’t even recognize.

My flesh is on fire, and every cell in my body is burning.Burning…right between my legs.

But I hold back.No way am I going to hop back in bed with Rogan.Not yet.Not until I get a few answers.

“Don’t you see?”he says, raking his fingers through his dark hair.“Something’s happening to me.I don’t understand it.But until I do, I—”

“Stop,” I say through gritted teeth.“Just stop.I appreciate everything you did for me.You got me the hell out of there, and I have no idea what my stepfather planned to do to me.It couldn’t be anything good.Sure, he says he won’t harm me for my mother’s sake, but he’s a demon.And he can figure out a way to harm me without harming my mother.He’s evil.So yeah, you got me out of there.I owe you my life, Rogan.I won’t forget that.Not now, not ever.But that doesn’t change the fact that I need an explanation about those two vamps.If you were defending your pack, I need to know who you were defending, and why.”

“I will always defend my pack,” he says.

“Yeah, I get that.You’re a big alpha.You have a loyalty to your pack that I don’t share with regard to my people.”

He nods.

“But that doesn’t change the fact that youdidkill those vamps.”

Tags: Helen Hardt Paranormal