Page 45 of Princess Fallen

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“Rogan, what is it?Are you okay?”

“You.Princess.The change.You’ve triggered it.”

“The…what?I didn’t do anything.”

But then I know, as the rip of his T-shirt slashes through the air.His muscles—they’re pulsating.Growing.

“Run, princess.”His voice is hoarse, not quite normal.“For God’s sake, run!”

I scramble away, nearly tripping over my own feet.Fear surges through me, but curiosity wins out.

I look over my shoulder, slowing down slightly, and—


I’m flat on my back, gravel pushing into my shoulders, and above, paws on my chest—

A wolf.

A gorgeous gray wolf with green-gold eyes and tattered dark denim hanging from his hind legs.

The wolf growls.

Does he know me?“Rogan?”

He growls again, and this time it’s louder.I swear to God the walls are quaking, he’s so powerful.

Most lycans are well in control of their wolf side.

What the hell happened?

“Rogan?”I say again, this time in a squeaky whisper as I’m losing my breath.

Does he understand me?I honestly have no idea.I haven’t come into contact with many lycans, and I’ve never come into contact with one in wolf form.

I should move.Fight.Anything except lie here.

But I can’t look away.His lupine beauty is that magnificent.

He’s large, though, and heavy.If he doesn’t move his paws off my chest soon, I’m not sure I’ll be able to continue breathing.

I gasp in a breath, and—

He moves from my chest.I clamber quickly onto my hands and knees, gasping for air.My heart is hammering, and once my breath is back under control, the wolf scent consumes me.

It’s Rogan on steroids.Everything I love about his scent is magnified a hundredfold.

This is who he is.

This is Victor Rogan, alpha wolf, his fragrance thick in the alley.

This is the man I’ve come here to seduce, to manipulate, to pump for information.

And damn…

I think I’ve fallen in love.The only problem?

I fuckinghatethe man I’m in love with.

Tags: Helen Hardt Paranormal