Page 25 of Princess Fallen

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Which is also odd.Perhaps Rogan’s scent just cancels everything else out for me.

I draw in a deep breath, gather my courage, grip the doorknob, and turn it.Then I slide the door open.

Rogan stands behind a desk, and the man he’s talking to—

Fuck.It can’t be.

It’s the thug from last night.The one whose fear I sensed.My vamp vision might not be great but I’ll never forget any of the three thugs who tried to beat me to a pulp in a dark alley.

Rogan meets my gaze, his green eyes fiery with anger.“Get out of here,” he says through clenched teeth.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Can you read, sweetheart?”the thug says.“You know what private means, right?”

“Shut the fuck up.”I advance toward them, eyeing Rogan.Rage courses through me, but still I respond to his nearness.My nipples harden and I suppress a shudder.“You want to tell me why you’re conferring with one of the assholes who tried to kill me last night?”

“I think you’re mistaken,” the thug says.

“Don’t patronize me.”I whip my hands to my hips.“I’m no damsel in distress.I know exactly who you are.I could pick you out of a lineup.”

He opens his mouth to utter what I’m sure is a nonsensical retort, but Rogan quiets him.

“Let her say her piece,” he says.“Then, princess, you may leave.”

The thug rolls his eyes.“Whatever.”

“What’s going on here?”I demand.“You come riding in on a white horse to rescue me in an alley last night, and today I find you cavorting with the enemy?”

Damn.My father’s right.Roganisthe enemy.

“Blaze is not the enemy,” he says.

“Blaze?What the hell kind of name is that?Did you step out of a romance novel?”I can’t help chuckling at my own joke.

“For fuck’s sake.”Blaze turns toward me.

“Easy,” Rogan says.“She’s not worth the effort.”

“Not worth the effort?”

Seems I was wholly worth the effort last night.

I don’t say this, though.I don’t want Blaze knowing any more than he already does.

“Princess,” Rogan says, “this doesn’t concern you.”

Doesn’t it?I have no idea, but I know I’m not leaving without some answers.I waltz in and plunk down in one of the leather chairs across from the desk.“Sothisis your office on the main level.”

Neither Rogan nor Blaze replies.

A few seconds pass.Then, “We’re done here,” Rogan says to Blaze.“I’ll be in touch.”


Blaze leaves the room, but not before giving me a snide smile.

“Don’t let the door hit you in the ass,” I say brightly.

Tags: Helen Hardt Paranormal