Page 138 of Princess Fallen

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Then I dash into the ER, using mind control to get me back without filling out paperwork.

A nurse takes my vitals and looks at my chart.“Looks like you’re due for a tetanus booster, Hannah.Would you like to get it today?”

“How do you know that?”

“We’re affiliated with your doctor’s office, so your records come up in our system.”

“Oh.I guess I didn’t realize I was due for any vaccines.”

“No problem.I’ll be happy to administer it.”

Since I can’t recall my last booster, she’s no doubt right.What’s one more poke?I’ve been kicked and prodded and everything else in the last several days.

“Sure, why not?”

“Perfect.I’ll be right back.”

She returns and gives me a quick poke in my upper arm.I don’t even feel it.

“You’re all set,” she says.“Dr.Lewis will be in shortly.”

Dr.Lewis comes in a few minutes later, gives me a cursory exam, and then orders some blood work.

Great.Just great.

I work in an ER.I know how slow the lab is in the middle of the night in a non-emergent situation.Since I’m not bleeding and not unconscious, this isn’t an emergency as far as they’re concerned.

Now…the waiting game.I wish I’d brought those file folders with me.I can understand why my father would keep a file on Rogan, but why does he have a file on me?And why was it right next to the file on Rogan?

And Rogan…

My love.My wolf.

Where is he?Surely he’d have come for me by now if he could.

Icicles pick at the back of my neck, and the sharp pain lances through my lower abdomen once more.

He’ll jump through all kinds of hoops to get to you.

My father was right.

But Rogan’s not jumping now.

Has he forsaken me?

“No,” I say out loud.

If he hasn’t come for me, it’s because he can’t.

And that is more frightening than anything—even the unexplained sharp pain in my gut.

I should have some sense of him.Shouldn’t I?Isn’t that what fated mates are?Except I’m not wolf.How did this even happen?

How could an alpha wolf be fated to mate with a vampire and human hybrid?So many times I’ve asked this question, and still I have no answers that make any kind of sense.

I jerk when a phlebotomist wearing green scrubs peeks through the curtain into my exam area.“Ms.Bates?”

“Yeah, that’s me.”

Tags: Helen Hardt Paranormal