Page 125 of Princess Fallen

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It’s time to get the answers I need.


“What the hell are you doing, Hannah?”Rogan chokes out.

Every cell in my body aches to hold him, to kiss his naked chest, suck his hard cock into the back of my throat.Take him into my body and ride him into the escape that only he can provide.

But I will not.

I will not.

Not until he gives me the answers I seek.

We may be fated.Mated.We may love each other, and I may require his blood for my very survival, but none of that negates why I’m here.

Why my father sent me here in the first place.

To find out who killed the two vampires and cut out their hearts.

Rogan has admitted to killing them because they threatened me.He claims they had allied with demons.But he did not cut out their hearts.

I believe him.

But he knows who did, and that’s the information I want.That’s the information I’ll take to my father.

Once I’ve done my duty, my blood bond with the vampire king will be truly broken.I’ll see to it.I’ll do the ceremony in Chicago.

But that’s not all the information I want from this man.From this wolf.I want to know why the lycans are now in league with demons.

And I want to fucking know now.

“Time to talk, Rogan,” I say.“Time for you to level with me.”

“Fine.Take your fucking boot off my neck and I will.”

“Not so fast.You’re going to tell me why you’re working with demons.But first…you’re going to tell me who cut out those vamp hearts.Because you’re protecting that person, Rogan.You’re protecting him or her when you should be protectingme.”

“Who are you to give me orders?”he growls.

I push my boot harder against his neck.“Your mate, Victor.I’m your fuckingmate.”

A growl then, and if I couldn’t see his human form with my eyes, I’d be convinced he morphed back into wolf form.Because that growl didn’t come from a man.It came from an animal.

In a flash he’s dislodged my foot from his neck and he’s on top of me, naked, while I’m still fully clothed.

He growls again, and his wild irises swirl into that cognac and emerald mixture that makes me insane.

“You accused me of protecting someone else over you, princess,” he snarls.“For that, you must be punished.”

Punished?Is he serious?Though the thought doesn’t disgust me.In fact…

But I’m not going there.Not now.Not when—

His mouth comes down on mine, and he’s still snarling as he pries my lips apart with his teeth and shoves his tongue inside.

I respond.I have no choice.My body was created to respond to his.

It’s nature.

Tags: Helen Hardt Paranormal