Page 4 of Love Me

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He nods and hands it to me. First, I dial Sarah to tell her the good news, and then I call Callie. I know Jenson told me to keep it quiet, but Sarah and Callie aren’t going to say anything. They deserve to know.

Mike pulls up at O’Connell Finance not long later, ushers Brielle out of the car, then pulls us back into the traffic. I’m grateful for Mike, but we really should have spent some more time with Bree to discuss things. Today’s a big day, and we should be celebrating it with the people who love Aiden. But I know Mike is only doing what Aiden would want him to, and that’s taking care of me.

Mike enters a drive-thru and orders something while I’m still on the phone with Callie.

When we get back to the apartment, Mike joins me. Entering the living room with two large bags of food and some super-sized Cokes, he places them on the table and takes a seat.

“Now eat,” he instructs sternly.

I smile, taking the food out from the bags. It’s a feast. I raise my brow in question because I can’t believe he ordered so much.

“Thought you might be hungry,” he answers my unasked question.

“You look happy,” I murmur through a mouthful of food.

“I am. It’s a pretty good outcome all ‘round.”

“Thanks, Mike… for everything.” Suddenly I feel full, but all that food’s now sitting badly in my stomach. I probably shouldn’t have eaten so fast and so damn much.

“Anytime, Miss Taylor, and if you need me at all throughout the night, please use Aiden’s phone to call.”

“Of course. Thanks, Mike.”

He places the rubbish in the trash, hugs me, then walks to the elevator. He turns toward me with a smile. “Good job, Miss Taylor,” he states, then steps into the elevator.

I feel better, better than I have in days. A small glimmer of light shines in this dark and painful black tunnel I’ve been in.

I flick on the television and turn it to Netflix to watch a movie, then spend the rest of the day relaxing on the sofa with a faint hint of a smile on my face.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance