Page 5 of Love Me

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A few weeks have passed since Brielle and I overheard Matthew and Rachelle, and Jenson’s been keeping me updated with all the latest information. Once the hearing is over, and if it goes in Aiden’s favor, the judge will then set aside the verdict, fingers crossed. There’s a lot of legal stuff involved to get to this stage which I don’t understand, but I am leaving that all to Jenson who’s found discrepancies and feels that the hearing will go in Aiden’s favor. He’s educated me on what to say in the judge’s chambers today when I’m called. I am ready to help free Aiden, although I can’t help the nerves flowing through my entire body—I guess that’s to be expected.

Shards of light stream in from the window, illuminating everything in their path as I enter the kitchen. Dust particles dance and make everything glisten while I make some toast and coffee. Moving to the sofa to eat my breakfast while watching television, I hear the chime of the elevator, and Sarah and Chris stroll in.

“Hey, Jeni. Mike was in the parking garage and let us in,” Chris informs me.

Sarah looks me over, and grins. “You look radiant today, Jen.”

“I feel radiant.” Standing, I swirl around, making my dress balloon out as I spin.

“This is a good change, so glad to see you happy again.” Chris smiles at me as he wraps his arm around Sarah.

I put on my low black heels, and we make our way to the parking garage where Mike’s waiting for us. He has a smile on his face, which only brightens when he sees me. “Wow. Miss Taylor, you’re looking fantastic today.”

“Thanks, Mike. Thanks for everything.” I slide into the car, and he shuts the door behind me.

The drive takes a little while, and my leg agitates, but I know it won’t be long and everything will be over.

We arrive at the judge’s chambers and make our way to where Aiden’s support crew is already waiting.

Callie reaches out, taking my hand in hers. “I’m so grateful you overheard them talking. We owe you a great debt,” she states kindly.

“I’m happy that Matthew and Rachelle were stupid enough to voice it so easy for us to overhear. Matthew loves to boast about himself, and that’s what’s gotten him here. Now, they may finally get what’s coming to them. I’m really glad Brielle was there, too. I just hope I say everything right in front of the judge today...” I exhale. “I’m a little nervous… I’ve been told that it’s highly unusual for the judge to speak with witnesses when considering a decision regarding a motion to acquit. The District Attorney has requested our presence, so I just have to hope we do okay with him.”

Callie tightens her hand in mine. “My dear, I have every faith in you.” Her thumb strokes over the back of my hand to comfort me.

Aiden’s support crew, including Brielle, sit outside the judge’s chambers. My stomach flips and does somersaults as I’m ushered in with Jenson. I’m the first to talk with the judge, and that, in itself, has me on edge.

Firstly, I’m introduced to the District Attorney, Mr. Jackson, who brought this matter to the judge’s attention, and why it’s being heard as a priority in the judge’s chambers today. He’s been instrumental in ensuring that it’s been dealt with quickly and efficiently, especially seeing as an innocent man is currently incarcerated, and the guilty assholes are still at large.

“Mr. Monroe, can you please give me a brief rundown regarding the incident at O’Connell Finance where it’s alleged that two people were overheard admitting their guilt to the crime that the defendant was incarcerated for?”

“Yes, Your Honor. I put before you a cellular telephone. Recorded is a video discussion held between two people, namely a Mr. Matthew Jones, who testified against my client during his trial, and Miss Rachelle Sanderson, overheard by Miss Jenifer Taylor and Miss Brielle O’Connell. The recording has been verified by police forensic investigators as original and accurate. The phone and recording have been with the police since I lodged it after the incident.”

My stomach swirls in apprehension as I fiddle my thumbs together nervously.

“Miss Taylor, were you witness to a discussion that took place in the offices of O’Connell Finance whereby Mr. Jones and Miss Sanderson were plotting against my client, Aiden O’Connell?”

“Yes. I overheard them discussing both Aiden and Niall O’Connell.”

“Miss Taylor, please tell the judge what happened on that day and what you overheard.” Jenson nods at me encouragingly.

My stomach churns as my mouth goes dry and my chest squeezes. Fuck! I don’t want to mess this up.

“I went to O’Connell Finance as instructed by Niall O’Connell to clean out Aiden’s personal effects. I moved out of the office to go to the bathroom where Brielle met me. When we were walking back toward Aiden’s office, we overheard a heated conversation coming from the office of Mr. Jones. They talked about how easy it had been to set Aiden up. They discussed the Swiss bank account and how they created it. They also talked about how they planted the evidence in Aiden’s office. I also heard them threaten Niall O’Connell’s life.” I take in a deep breath, hoping I remembered everything.

“So, to be clear, the conversation clearly stated by Mr. Jones and Miss Sanderson was that they were plotting against my client and also hinted toward murdering my client’s father, the owner of the corporation from which they’d been embezzling money,” Jenson clarifies.

“Yes,” I reply emphatically.

The judge then asks for Brielle to be brought into his chamber. She enters and takes her seat. I sit patiently as the same questions are asked of her.

The proceedings continue with a discussion by an expert in police forensic voice recognition whom the judge asked to be present.

“What has been presented here today is compelling and matches the pleading paper motion that was presented to me by Mr. Jackson, the District Attorney. Please play the cellular telephone recording for me,” the judge directs.

Jenson presses ‘play’ on the phone, and the judge’s face hardens while he watches and listens. My stomach twists and turns at hearing Matthew and Rachelle saying that shit all over again. It plays in my mind endlessly, but to hear it again is making me so damn angry.

It stops playing, and the judge rubs his chin. “In light of what has been presented before me today, I’m issuing a warrant for the arrests of Mr. Matthew Jones and Miss Rachelle Sanderson, who, when in custody, will be charged with the embezzlement of funds from O’Connell Finance.”

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance