Page 3 of Love Me

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“Matthew, I think we should take what we have and run. Go somewhere. Another country maybe and start again.”

Matthew exhales exaggeratedly. “Look, we have everything we need right here. We don’t need to run. Anyway, the detectives would’ve taken the embezzled money out of our account by now. We don’t have any money to run. We need to play this out.”

“Okay, let’s see what happens.”

He throws his hands in the air with glee as he puffs out his chest. “What gets me about all this is how easy it was to set that son of a bitch, Aiden, up. The Swiss bank account idea was genius and so easy to manage over the internet. Your idea of planting the original transfer receipt and ‘with-compliments’ slip we used was exceptionally creative. Who knew you could be so deceptive? It was so easy to pull off using Aiden’s name, his computer and phone to transfer the money between the various accounts. Hopefully, in a year or so, Niall, the old fucker, will croak, and then this will all be ours…” I hear laughing. “If not, we can always help him along… I heard arsenic does a great job in small doses over a long period of time.”

My eyes widen with shock.

Now he’s planning to kill Niall?

Holy fuck!

I stop the recording, look at Brielle, and signal with my eyes to the elevator. She nods as we both carefully slide away from the wall and walk steadily and quietly to the elevator. I press the button frantically, hoping like hell they don’t come out and see us. As soon as the doors open, we don’t hesitate to get in where I press the close-door button repeatedly, not that it actually does any good. Eventually, the doors close, and I breathe a sigh of relief as my heart pummels so hard I feel like it might burst out of my damn chest. I look over to Brielle who is also trying to steady herself.

“Oh my God, Jeni… I think we have the evidence we need to help put them where they belong.”

I nod, and a large smile forms for the first time in weeks. “I know, and we have recorded evidence as well. I can’t believe Rachelle’s in on it. Matthew, yes, I believe that. But Rachelle? She most definitely had me fooled.”

The doors open to the main reception area, and we walk briskly to the parking garage where Mike’s waiting.

“Mike. Mike,” I yell as we both run toward him.

He quickly exits the car and walks toward us. “Miss Taylor. Are you okay?”

“We need to get in the car, I have to show you something but not out here where anyone can hear.”

Mike opens the door and we both slide in, then he runs around to the driver’s side. Upon closing his door, I gather my breath and press play on my phone. I study Mike as he watches and listens to the conversation closely between Matthew and Rachelle.

First, his eyes widen in shock, then he grins. “The first thing we need to do is take this recording to Jenson.”

He has the car started and in reverse before I can put my phone down. The drive to Jenson’s office is just as fast.

With our adrenaline pushing us, we enter the building where he’s luckily available. Once inside his office, I explain to Jenson how Brielle and I overheard the conversation and how we managed to record a video of the entire incident.

“This is a very serious matter, especially since Niall’s life has been threatened. Unfortunately, unless you have permission from the recorded parties, this recording isn’t admissible in a court of law. However, there’s enough here for me to delve further into the matter, especially considering there are two people who witnessed this conversation. I’ll play this to the police and the District Attorney’s Office. They might call you both in for discussions.”

We both nod eagerly and continue listening.

“This will help the police obtain search warrants, and the District Attorney can, if he feels the evidence is compelling, prepare a motion to quash the conviction. We’re still within fourteen days of the guilty verdict and sentencing, so the defendant can move for a judgment of acquittal.”

My heart leaps into my throat, excitement bubbling under the surface.

“There may be more evidence we haven’t found. Matthew admitted to Rachelle how he set up the Swiss bank account, so I should be able to trace this back by seizing computers and checking through phone records. This is something we weren’t able to do before the trial because there was no evidence linking their involvement. Now, we know who, and placing them at the scene will help authenticate how they managed to carry out the embezzlement. If you don’t mind, may I retain your phone? I want to take this to the police and District Attorney immediately and get started by lodging the motions, so we can clear Aiden’s name.”

I have no idea what he wants to do, but if having the recording on my phone helps bring Aiden back to me, he can keep the damn thing. “Yes, take it. Let me know if you need anything else from me.”

“Jeni, you and Brielle may or may not be called to explain what you overheard. I’ll be able to help you both with what you can and cannot say.”

I nod emphatically. “I’ll do whatever you need to help,” I tell him as Brielle nods in agreement.

“Good. All right, leave it with me. I’ll get in touch as soon as I know more. Please be aware that you should not discuss this with anyone, as it is new evidence. Nothing should get back to Matthew and Rachelle.”

Finally, I feel good. It’s not the clear path home that we need, but at least it’s an opening to one, and that’s good enough for me. We still have hurdles to jump, probably a lot of them, but getting Aiden back seems a little closer now. The idea that there’s a bright light down this crazy damn tunnel is giving me hope—an expectation that Aiden will be back with me soon.

We leave Jenson’s office, and Mike leads us to the car. “Right, first I’ll drive Brielle back to the office, and then we’re going to get you something to eat. I know you must be hungry. What do you feel like?”

For the first time in days, I genuinely smile. A feeling of hope engulfs me, and my stomach rumbles. I haven’t felt hungry in days. Now, with a little bit of good news, my appetite might just be making an appearance. “Whatever! Honestly, I’ll eat anything.” Feeling great, I get into the car. “Can I borrow your phone, Mike?”

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance