Page 61 of Trust Me

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We walk back to the kitchen to focus on the takeout menus. I look up and Sarah and Chris are still talking in the living room.

“Fuck, I hope I didn’t cause too much drama,” Aiden whispers.

I look at him and half-smile. “Don’t worry. They’ll sort it out,” I tell him.

“Guys, what do you want for dinner?” I call out, trying to stop whatever they’re arguing about. Sarah peeks up at me shaking her head, and I look at her with concern.

“We’ll have anything,” she offers as Chris walks to the bathroom while eyeing Aiden.

I take in a deep breath as Aiden looks at me. “You okay?” I ask watching his facial expressions.

Aiden’s eyes convey concern. “Chris seems hot-headed.”

I bite my bottom lip. “Well, can you please be civil?” I ask him sternly.

“Okay. I will. But only for you.” He cups my cheek with his palm.

“You choose what you want for dinner. I’m going to go and check on Sarah.”

Well shit!I guess bringing Aiden here was a bad idea.

I make my way over to her. “Hey, you okay?”

She turns up her nose, her face reddening with anger. “Chris thinks Aiden’s trying to puff out his chest and take over, and now Chris is all stupid and jealous. He has nothing to be jealous of, though. It’s not like I’m going to go after Aiden. One, because he’s yours, and two, because I want to be with Chris and no one else.” Sarah’s voice is laced with contempt. “It’s total bullshit!”

I wince and take her hand in mine. “I’m sorry, Sez. We didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”

Sarah shakes her head. “You’re not the troublemaker, Chris is. I know he’s a practical joker, but meeting your partner for the first time and play-punching you in front of him? Yeah, not such a good move.”

I look at her and sigh. “Is Chris going to be okay? Are you guys going to be okay?” I ask quietly.

“Yeah, we’ll be fine,” Chris answers, walking up behind us. He takes Sarah’s hand and pulls her to him. “I’m sorry.”

I smile and walk away to give them some space.

“It’s okay, babe,” she replies then launches herself at him.

Aiden’s still in the kitchen leaning up against the counter, looking as hot as ever. He’s watching me as I walk in to meet him, and every part of me tingles the closer I get to him. He has an effect on me I can’t explain. It’s like his body ignites something inside me, and I’m loving every second of time I spend with him.

“Is she okay?” he asks. I nod. Taking me into his arms, he winks and kisses me softly. “Pizza?” he suggests.

“Sure.” Taking the menu off the counter, I turn back to Sarah and Chris. “Hey guys, what kind of pizza do you want?”

“Whatever. The usual, I don’t mind,” Sarah deflects, going back to their makeup session by shoving her tongue down Chris’ throat. I shake my head at their lack of inhibitions.

After the pizza is ordered, I take Aiden’s hand leading him to the living room where Chris sits on the sofa cuddling with Sarah.

“It looks like they’ve worked out their issues,” Aiden whispers in my ear.

I nod my head slightly as we sit on the sofa next to them and Chris and Aiden eye each other. I roll my eyes with a huff.

“Chris, how’s work?” I ask, trying to ease the tension.

“Good. How’s your life going?”

I laugh at the strange question. “It’s going fine, actually. Work’s good. Looks like I’ve got myself a boyfriend. Life’s great.”

Aiden smiles.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance