Page 62 of Trust Me

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“How did last night go?” Sarah asks.

Aiden senses my embarrassment and answers for me, “It was great. We had a good night with my family and co-workers. Jeni made an awesome impression with everyone.”

“I didn’t make a great impression with everyone,” I huff, referring to his father.

Sarah tilts her head in curiosity. “Who wouldn’t love you, Jeni? You’re awesome,” she boasts.

“She definitely is awesome. It’s not that he doesn’t like you, Jeni. He’s like that with everyone,” Aiden tries to reassure me.

“Wait, who are we talking about?” Sarah states.

“My father,” Aiden replies, taking my hand and linking my fingers with his.

I sigh. “I’m pretty sure he doesn’t like me, Aiden. He called me a freaking floozy.”

Sarah’s mouth drops open, and Chris huffs.

“You’re so not a floozy,” Sarah yells.

“Nice,” Chris mumbles under his breath.

Aiden looks at him intently with his brows drawn together. “I know she isn’t a damn floozy, obviously.” He glowers with disdain.

“Did you stand up for Jeni?” Chris grunts.

Aiden glares at Chris in disgust. “Of course, I did. What? You think I wouldn’t stand up for her?”

Sarah and I exchange worried glances.

“Probably not. I mean you have your eyes all over my girlfriend,” Chris drones on—he’s out of control right now.

Aiden rolls his eyes. “No offense, Sarah, you’re beautiful, but I only have eyes for Jeni, no one else.”

Sarah blushes, making Chris even angrier as he stands. “Yeah, just so you know, Sarah’s my girl. Don’t even think about making advances. I know all about you. Google and I are friends.”

I widen my eyes at Chris’ words as Aiden stands. “I won’t, but why are you focusing on me? Maybe you should stop flirting with Jeni, smiling and messing around like you do. You walk around the house half-naked. I mean, who does that when their partner is in the bedroom waiting for them?”

Sarah and I both stand as the tension reaches a critical level. My heart starts to race as I put my hands on both their chests to separate them.

“Okay, that’s enough. First of all, no one’s making eyes at the other. If you’re both finished with your pissing contest and flooding our floor with your testosterone, can you both please shake hands and agree that no one is after the other’s partner?” I sternly state.

Sarah cracks up laughing, easing the tension. “Pissing contest, good one.”

“Now shake on it and be civil,” I grunt.

Aiden exhales but puts his hand out for Chris to shake. They shake once and let go like they literally burned each other with their touch.

“See, that wasn’t so hard, was it? Now play nice, children, or you can both go to hell,” I warn.

Aiden softens his stance. “Sorry.”

Chris nods. “I think of Jeni as a sister, but I’m sorry, too.”

Aiden nods.

That was tense!

“Now, you two go and talk about cars or some shit,” Sarah grumbles, pushing them into the dining area. They both stifle a laugh as they walk away. Sarah and I watch them for the first few minutes to see if they’re playing nice with each other. They actually seem to be talking about cars and are having a civil conversation.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance