Page 60 of Trust Me

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She waves her hand through the air. “Yeah, but I’ve been dying to say that since he crashed into you.” She bends over, holding her stomach laughing at her own joke. “C’mon, you gotta give me props for that one, though, right?”

Chris pulls her to him while shaking his head. “You’re in a league of your own, babe.”

I smirk as I turn to face the drawer, pulling it open. “So, takeout then? None of this fancy chef food tonight, hey, Chris?” I tease.

He scoffs, and I feel a friendly punch on my bicep. I jump and spin as Chris smirks, shaking his head. “You love my fancy food, just admit it?” he teases in his usual way.

I laugh quite unladylike. Sarah purses her lips, glancing from me then over to Aiden. I turn. Shit! It couldn’t be any more obvious by the look on Aiden’s face that he’s not happy. His eyes are narrowed, his lips are a thin line, and honestly, I’m pretty sure his hands are actual fists at his sides. I swallow hard while sliding back into his side and running my hand up his chest to placate him.

Then it happens.

“I’d prefer it if you kept your hands off what’s mine, Chris.”

My eyes snap up at Aiden as Chris’ eyes widen and raise in shock. Chris glances from me to Aiden puffing out his chest. “Jeni isn’t property. She isn’t owned by you or anyone. It was a fucking friendly jab, man. And I think you’ll do well to remember you’re here in their space, Aiden, not yours.”

“Guys, c’mon,” Sarah mutters.

“And another thing, if you’re this jealous over friends bantering, then I think you need to settle your priorities and your insecurities with my friend here because Jeni is worth a whole lot more respect and trust than what you’re showing her right now,” Chris grunts out.

Sarah grabs Chris’ arm, yanking on him. “C’mon, I need to talk to you,” Sarah grunts at Chris as she pulls him down the hall, leaving us in the kitchen.

I turn to Aiden who’s seething as he stares at Chris the entire time he’s being dragged away, and I gently kiss his lips in an attempt to reassure him. He reluctantly kisses me back as I hear Chris and Sarah arguing in the living room.

Shit! That did not go well!

I hope Aiden doesn’t immediately dislike Chris. He’s like a brother to me, and if they don’t get along, it will be awkward as all hell. I need my friends to get along with the man I’m dating, it’s imperative to me.

Aiden exhales as he looks down at me. “He shouldn’t touch you like that. Any form of violence is not okay, Jeni.”

“Chris is my friend, Aiden. He’s like a big brother. You… you honestly can’t say you’ve never nudged your brother or sister in the arm like that before?”

He pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around me tightly while looking deeper into my eyes. “Fuck! I don’t want to be a dick. It’s just when it comes to you, it seems I can’t help turning into this caveman.”

I snort out a laugh. “Well, honestly, if you fighting for me is going to be a thing, then just pick your battles. Chris isn’t one of them. I promise.”

He nods. “I’ll apologize.”

I smile, leaning up and planting a tender kiss on his lips, then pull back and go back to searching through the drawer for a takeout menu. I lay them on the kitchen counter. Aiden holds me tightly from behind as I check the menus.

“See anything you like?” I ask as he nuzzles into my neck.

“Sure do,” he replies, moving my hair to the side to kiss my neck.

I snort out a laugh. “Aiden, concentrate.”

He lifts his head, resting it on my shoulder. “I’m happy with anything.” He spins me around to face him. “You haven’t shown me your room yet.” He changes the subject with a smirk.

His words send a shiver down my spine. “It’s through there.” I point, then take his hand to lead the way. We step inside my room, and he glances around taking it all in with a bright smile.

“This is quaint.” He takes me in his arms.

“Thanks. Now, let’s get out of here before you turn this into something sexual, and we don’t leave my room for hours.”

He nods matter-of-factly. “You know me so well already.” He chuckles.

“Yes, now go and choose something for dinner,” I demand, pointing to the kitchen. He pouts out his bottom lip pretending to be sad. “Oh, you’re cute, but it’s not going to work. Now go!” I push him out of my bedroom, laughing.

“And you say Sarah’s the bossy one,” he jokes.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance