Page 21 of Trust Me

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I narrow my eyes. “Oh, you won’t be seeing me tomorrow, Tim.”

Tim frowns, a look of nervousness flowing through his very soul as I sashay toward the door.

“Tomorrow is Saturday, you idiot,” Mark announces as he whacks Tim across the back of the head.

“See. I told ya,” I mock as they continue to laugh, but Tim huffs as he crosses his arms defiantly across his broad chest. He definitely doesn’t like being made fun of.

Mark grabs Tim’s shoulders and shakes him. “You big baby,” Mark jests as I stride out, and they get on with their lunch. While still laughing at Tim’s expense, I make my way back to my desk. I pull out my phone to see if there are any messages, and my heart beats a little faster in anticipation, but as I suspected, there aren’t any.

Over the next couple of hours, customers pick up their cars, I process their payments, and they leave. I look up at the clock—Aiden will be here soon.

Right, time to head off to the bathroom to adjust my hair and add a little extra mascara. I take hold of the basin and breathe deeply as my nerves are starting to mess with my head. “Act normal, Jeni,” I plead with myself in the mirror, then walk back out to the reception desk. Those pesky butterflies attack again. I take a sip of water from the bottle on my desk and try to shake it off.

This is ridiculous.

Why am I getting worked up over one man? He’s just a man, nothing more, nothing less. Oh, who am I kidding? He’s not just a man. He’s a supermodel with all the charm and poise to go with it. He’s like no other man I’ve met before.

I try to pull myself together as I look out the full-length window and see the same chauffeured vehicle pull up as the one Aiden got into when he dropped off the Aston Martin. Holding my breath while a bass drum kicks inside my chest, I watch a man in a suit and hat step out of the driver’s side to open the rear passenger door. Not quite able to see, I stand to get a better look. Another man wearing a pinstriped suit steps out of the vehicle. I’m confused as he looks skinnier than I remember. When the man turns around, I notice it’s not Aiden—it’s someone else entirely.

Feeling a little disappointed, I exhale and sit.

The man steps into the reception area and walks up to the desk. He’s good-looking, well-groomed with spiked black hair and isn’t as masculine in appearance as Aiden.

“Miss Taylor?”

I give him a warm smile. “Yes, may I help you?”

“I spoke to you earlier. I’m Daniel, Mr. O’Connell’s PA. Mr. O’Connell is otherwise engaged, and he asked me to collect his Aston Martin.”

My heart feels like it’s shrinking as my lips press tightly together until I force a smile. “Nice to meet you, Daniel.” I put out my hand for him to shake. His hand is soft, and his nails are well-manicured. Not at all like the guys who work here—their hands are rough with callouses and filthy most of the time. Daniel knows how to take care of himself.

“You, too, Miss Taylor.”

“Oh, please call me Jeni.”

“Thanks, Jeni.” I take the deductible payment for the repairs and lead him to the front parking lot where the Aston Martin is parked.

“He lets you drive this beauty, then?” I ask.

“Not often, but I take the opportunity whenever I can.” He flashes me his pearly whites.

“I’d love to drive a V12. The biggest I’ve driven is a V6,” I admit, and we both laugh.

“She’s a beast, not a beauty, let me say that.” He has the biggest grin on his face, and with his happy demeanor and kind manner, I like him instantly. He opens the car door and slides into the driver’s seat.

“Oh, I nearly forgot. Mr. O’Connell would’ve killed me if I had.” Daniel hands me an envelope.

I look at it and tilt my head. “What’s this?” I ask curiously.

“A note from Mr. O’Connell.”

My heart thuds against my chest wall. “Oh… what’s it say?”

He lets out a light laugh. “I’m not sure. I don’t read his personal letters.”

I bite my lip. Personal letter, that sounds intriguing.

Daniel starts the car, the roar of the engine ignites with a glorious purr. I smirk at the look on his face. I can tell he loves driving Aiden’s car.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance