Page 20 of Trust Me

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The thought of seeing Aiden today has me smiling as I pull up at work next to Mel’s car. I walk through the main entrance and around to my desk. Staring at my flowers, I pick out the dead ones and put some fresh water in the vase. Mel steps out of her office and walks toward me, a pink envelope in hand.

Inside is an invitation to her daughter, Skye’s, twenty-first birthday party. “Thanks, Mel. What would she like for a present?” I haven’t actually met her daughter before.

“Nothing. She doesn’t need anything, hon. Your presence is her present.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Just say yes you’ll come,” she offers as she hugs me tightly.

“Of course, I’ll come. You couldn’t keep me away,” I reply, more than honored she thought to invite me.

“Great,” she beams as she lets go. “All the details are on the invitation.”

“I’ll be there,” I reply as Mel heads back to her office. I sit at my desk, feeling elated, knowing that today is going to be a good day. My mind shifts to Aiden, knowing he’s coming to collect his car today, so I wander down to Bob’s office and find him leaning back in his chair with his feet up on the desk, and his glasses at the end of his nose, reading the newspaper. I giggle at the sight, the sound disturbs him, and he looks up. “Morning, sweetness.”

“Morning, Bob. I was wondering if you have the customer pick-up list ready for today, so I can advise them of the times to collect their vehicles,” I ask in my no-nonsense, business-like voice. I need that list if I want to know what time Aiden will be here, but I don’t want him to know why I’m so eager to get my hands on the list.

He smiles at me knowingly. “Mr. O’Connell’s car should be ready by three o’clock.”

Damn, busted.

“There you go, sweetness.” He hands me the list.

“Thanks, Bob.”

I decide to call the other customers on the list first, saving Aiden for last. The butterflies in my stomach flutter around in a whirlwind, and my breathing quickens. I finally gain the courage to pick up the phone and dial his number. As it rings, I take in a few deep breaths, but someone else answers his phone. “Good morning, O’Connell Finance, Mr. O’Connell’s office, Daniel speaking.”

I’m taken aback. Shit! Of course, he has an assistant. Why wouldn’t he?

“Hello?” Daniel asks again from my lack of response.

“Hi… sorry. This is Jeni calling from ADF Automotive Repairs. Is Mr. O’Connell available?” I somehow manage to sputter out, sounding like an immature teenager calling their high school crush for the first time. I shake my head rolling my eyes at my own idiocy.

“Miss Taylor, Mr. O’Connell has been expecting your call. Unfortunately, he’s in a meeting at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?”

I gnaw down on my bottom lip. An image of Aiden in a boardroom, standing at the head of the table looking down at me flashes through my mind, his stare hard, all alpha, as he starts to slide off his suit jacket.

“Miss Taylor?” Daniel prompts.

“Oh, sorry, I’m in my own little world today. Can you please let him know his vehicle will be ready at three o’clock? Thanks, Daniel.”

“Sure, Miss Taylor, I’ll pass on your message. Have a great day.”

“You, too, Daniel.”

“Goodbye, Miss Taylor.”

I put my head into my hands and shake my head. “Pull your shit together,” I berate myself.

With a deep breath, I continue on with my work but keep looking at the clock. Time seems to be dragging by so slowly—I’m almost positive it’s going backward. Eventually, lunchtime rolls around, and as I am checking the refrigerator, the general noise of the guys coming in makes me turn around.

I grab my sandwich and move to walk out, smiling at the rowdy bunch. “You guys loud enough?” I jest.

Laughter fills the room, giving a fun atmosphere it always seems to have at lunchtime.

I love working here.

“When I see you again tomorrow, I’ll be make sure to be quieter… promise,” Tim states with a flirtatious smile and a wink.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance