Page 22 of Trust Me

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“See ya,” I chime.

He waves his hand out the window as he reverses. “Bye, Jeni.” He revs the engine as he drives out of the gates and onto the road while the chauffeured vehicle follows. I make my way into the reception area a little disappointed Aiden didn’t come, but glad I met Daniel instead. I sit at my desk with the envelope in hand. On the front, very neatly handwritten is the word Jenifer. I stare at it. He even spelled my name correctly.

I try, very carefully not to tear the envelope as I open it, pulling out the card from inside.


I apologize for my absence this afternoon. Unfortunately, I’m held up in an important meeting. I’ve made sure that my schedule is clear this evening, so we can spend some time together. I’m looking forward to it.


I feel like I’m floating—floating in soft white clouds with harps playing in the background. I lean back in my chair and hold the card to my chest with a great big smile on my face. I breathe in and out, feeling elated that after everything, I’m actually feeling something for someone. I don’t know what that feeling is yet, but the spark’s definitely there.

The clicking of heels taps through the hall as Mel walks in, raising her brow at me. “You okay, Jeni?”

I sit up in my chair and put the letter on the desk. “I’m completely okay.”

That’sthe best I can come up with?

“Smitten, more like it,” she murmurs as she walks away with a grin while I pretend to sort through some papers. When she’s out of sight, I slump back into my chair and let out a sigh. “Subtle, Jeni,” I murmur under my breath and let out a small chuckle.

I get so wrapped up in my work, time flies, and before I know it, it’s time to leave for the day.

“See you Monday, Mel,” I call out in my rush to leave.

“Uh-huh,” is all I hear. She must be deep into her filing cabinet.

I rush out to my car, reverse out of the parking lot, and as I do, Fun’s “Some Nights” is playing on the radio. I love this song. I sing along as I drive home, and it only increases my already good mood.

Once home, I head inside to get ready for my date by throwing on some sexy lingerie, adding some makeup and curling my hair. Perfect, I think as I look at myself in the full-length mirror.

Walking back into my room, I grab a small black clutch and place my necessities inside. Going out on a date for the first time since ‘He Who Shall Not Be Named’ is kinda scaring the hell out of me, so the nerves have kicked in, but I push them back as far as I can.

A slow knock on my bedroom door makes me jump, and I notice Sarah’s standing in the doorway. “Hey, are you getting ready?”

I motion for her to come in. “Yeah,” I reply with an exhale.

“Nervous?” she asks as we both sit on the edge of the bed.

“You have no idea just how much.” My stomach starts to churn.

Sarah senses my mood shift, and she puts her arm around my shoulders. “You know I’m so proud of you.”

I jerk my head back in confusion. “What for?” I know she means for actually going on this date tonight, the first one for me in three years.

“Because you put on that makeup by yourself, and it’s not half bad,” she teases instead of being serious.

“Hey!” I smack her leg, playfully.

She laughs, and then I notice she has something in her hand. “No, I’m proud of you for being you and being the most beautiful person I know. I got you something for tonight.”

She really shouldn’t have.

“Hold out your hand.” I do as she says. “Close your eyes.” I laugh. “No, I’m serious, close your eyes.” So, I close them. Then she places something in my hand—it’s cold and small. “And open.”

My eyes flicker open to see a diamond bracelet. I highly doubt they’re real diamonds knowing Sarah, but it’s so sparkly. My chest swarms with excitement. “I love it, Sez.”

“It’s a good-luck-for-tonight charm. I was wearing it when I met Chris,” she admits as she places it around my wrist. “I have another present for you, too.”

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance