Page 26 of Safe in His Arms

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“Not sure. We might.” He checked the pantry and discovered an unopened bag near the back. The expiration date wasn’t far off, but he was sure they’d be fine. He dropped them onto the counter beside her. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” She added a few drops of vanilla extract into the buttercream, then combined it. Dunking a teaspoon in, she scooped out a small mound of pale frosting. “Here, try this.”

His mouth closed over the spoon and sweetness exploded on his tastebuds. His eyes shut involuntarily and he hummed in the back of his throat. He swallowed, blinked, and found her staring at him with what he’d term desire if she were anybody else.

He licked his lips. “That stuff isgood.”

Her expression turned smug. “I know, right?”

A loud beep broke the moment. The timer. She hustled over to the oven and peered inside, touching the tip of one finger to the brownie. Apparently satisfied, she withdrew the tin and set it on a rack. While the brownie cooled, they discussed their favorite recipes, and he told her how he’d come to have each of his dogs.

Pixie had been first. She’d belonged to an elderly resident of the local retirement community who’d passed away. Bella had been raised on a farm, but had no skill as a sheepdog. Trevor had been turned in to a nearby shelter, an unwanted Christmas gift who no one else would adopt because of his size and breed. He’d added Zee to his pack recently, and she held a special place in his heart. Her previous owners had run a drug operation, and she’d been their affection-starved—and literally starved—guard dog. When he brought her home, her ribs were protruding through her coat, her fur was matted, and she was flea-ridden, but the worst part was how she growled when anyone tried to touch her. Only with a lot of patience and persistence had she become the gorgeous creature she was now.

“I don’t understand how anyone can do that to an animal,” Megan said, disgust evident in her tone. “Especially to dogs. All they want is love and attention. People who abuse them are monsters.”

“I wholeheartedly agree.”

She was slicing brownies and he stole one, taking a bite before she could chastise him.

“What do you think?” she asked as he licked his fingers clean.

“That is seriously amazing.” The best brownie of his life, including those of the naughty variety he’d been known to consume occasionally in high school. “I want a tray all to myself.”

She laughed. “Well, you can’t have one. This is for the girls.” He reached for another piece, and she smacked his knuckles. “Cut it out.”

He pouted. “Just one more?”

“Fine,” she relented. “One more.”

He grabbed a brownie before she changed her mind and nibbled it, savoring the rich flavor and soft, chewy texture. “Remind me never to introduce you to my friend, Logan. He’s got a serious sweet tooth, and he’d marry you on the spot.”

She smiled, but something dark flickered through her gaze. “I’ll consider myself warned.”

* * *

After she finished helpingTione with the post-dinner cleanup, Megan used her foot to tap on Kat’s apartment door, her nerves on edge. She held a large container of brownies andpetit fours,and shifted her grip on it as the sharp edges dug into her tender places.

“Haere mai,” Kat called. “Come in.”

“I can’t open the door,” she called back. A few moments later, it swung inward. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” Kat ushered her in and took the container from her. “What have you got here?”

“I brought junk food.”

Brooke appeared beside her. “Of the baked variety?”

“Yes, there’s brownies and miniature layer cakes with raspberry jam, vanilla butter cream, and a white chocolate ganache.”

“Oh, my God.” Brooke grinned. “You’re my new favorite person.”

Pleasure suffused Megan, and her cheeks warmed. The offhand comment shouldn’t mean so much to her, but she couldn’t stop the fizz of joy in her heart. She missed the confidence she used to get from baking. She should never have given it up after moving in with Charles.

“Come on,” Brooke continued. “Since it’s my movie night, I’ve chosen a film and got it all set up, ready to play.”

Kat rolled her eyes. “It’s a sci-fi flick. The kind with aliens and radar guns.”

“I haven’t seen any of those before.” She preferred romantic comedies, while Charles had enjoyed action blockbusters.

Tags: Alexa Rivers Haven Bay Romance