Page 81 of Unraveled

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“Your husband just made my brother here a member of the Dark Sovereign.”

“Oh, wow, that’s so great. Congratulations, Maximo,” she says, her eyes filled with sincerity. “I can’t think of anyone better suited.”

“Thank you.” Maximo smiles, and it’s a rare fucking occurrence. Maximo isn’t known for mustering up a lot of fucking smiles. He’s more into the brooding, dark-soul look that intimidates the shit out of people who don’t know him.

“I think this is a cause for some champagne out on the back porch,” Mira says excitedly. “I’ll ask the chef to whip up some snacks.”

“Someone grab the whiskey bottle,” Caelian calls out. “Champagne makes me want to fuck something. And since the only two women in this house are off-limits, I’d rather not walk around with a raging hard-on, because I choose life.”

Everyone bursts out laughing as they walk out, leaving Leandra and me behind. Their loud, excited voices and laughter disappear as they make their way down the hall.

“That’s a good thing you did,” Leandra says, staring at me with so much affection I’m sure my heart’s about to explode.

“As you said, no one is better suited.”

Aria waves her arm around, and of course, I can’t resist picking her up and cuddling her against my chest.

Leandra slants a brow. “She’s supposed to nap. You’re spoiling her.”

“She doesn’t look like she’s napping to me…are you, little princess?” I place a gentle kiss on her forehead. “And a father spoiling his daughter is the natural way of life.” Aria smiles up at me, and it’s one of the few things in this world that can disarm me. “Our daughter looks like you. She has your eyes, your nose, your lips.”

“And she has your stubbornness.”

“Um, excuse me. If anyone is stubborn here, it’s you.”

“Let’s agree to disagree.” She pouts her lips, and I lean in, kissing her on the cheek.

I look down at Alessio sleeping in the pram. My son. All my life I wanted nothing more than to live up to my father’s expectations, be the son he wanted me to be. Now, everything’s changed. Now, all I want is to be the kind of father my son will look up to. Build our family’s legacy and watch my son grow into the role he’s been born to fill. Heir of the Dark Sovereign.

Aria isn’t sleeping, but she’s peaceful in my arms. I’ve already made peace with the fact that my gun will be flaunted freely whenever boys come knocking. This little princess is never leaving her father’s side to cling to some boy who will never, ever be enough for her.

And Leandra, she’s just…perfect, as she’s always been. She’s my lifeline. My conscience. She’s the rhythm my heart beats in, and without her I’d be lifeless.

That day in my father’s office, when he pulled the rug right from under my feet by demanding that I marry, I thought my life would turn out a miserable puddle of bitterness. I never thought a few years down the line, I’d be here with a loving wife and two perfect children. Not once did it cross my mind that my father’s request would end up bringing out the best of me.

Being a husband and a father changed me for the better. For a long time, I thought I needed power, wealth, and influence to be a successful and respected man. But I was wrong. So fucking wrong.

I needed her. My wife. My stray. My filthy little slut.

And most importantly, the love of my life.

I catch her lips with mine, slipping my tongue through the crease of her mouth. It’s a tender kiss—unrushed and gentle. She tastes of sunshine and perfection, and if I could bottle it, I’d sleep with it on my bedside table.

“Thank you,” I murmur.

“For what?”

Clutching Aria tight, I place my other palm on Leandra’s cheek. “For unraveling with me.”


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