Page 66 of Mistakes

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Arriving at the clubhouse, he saw his father, Pike, Crazy, Raoul, Holly, Mary, and a few others were all gathered.

“Prez?” Matthew asked.

Duke stepped up toward him. Matthew didn’t know what this was about. “It is time, son,” he said. “Time for you to take your place with Kid and with Rick. You boys, you’ve proven yourselves, and it’s now for you to become a Trojan.”

Matthew couldn’t believe it as he was led out the back.There were Kid and Rick. They no longer wore their labeled prospect leather cuts.

“Give it to me, son,” Duke said.

He couldn’t believe it. He’d earned his patch.

Matthew let go of Luna’s hand and handed the leather cut to Duke, to his father, to his Prez.

“And put this one on.”

Matthew stared at the leather cut. This wasn’t a badge, but his father’s original leather cut. The one he had earned as a member of the Trojans MC. When he took over as Prez, the cut was put to one side and he had gotten another made.

“When you were born, I always said that once you earned your place within the club, you’d get this. I stick by my promises. You’re turning into a fine man, Matthew. One I am so very proud of. Welcome to the club.”

His father slapped him on the shoulder, gripping him tightly.

“I’m getting married,” he said. “Luna and I are engaged.”

The approved grip turned into a hug, followed by a slap on the back. “Congratulations, son. I’m so very proud of you.”

“Now, let’s celebrate.”

There was a round of cheers, and an explosion of beer as Pike sprayed them all with a can he’d shaken.

Luna giggled and cupped his face. “I hear congratulations are in order,” she said.

“Move in with me,” he said.

“But you don’t have your own place.”

“I will,” Matthew said. “Me and you. Move in with me.”

“Well, I’m going to marry you, so I might as well move in with you.”

“That a yes?”

“That’s a hell yes.”

He wanted to lift her and spin her around, but she wasstill healing, so instead, he made do with just kissing her. Kissing the love of his life. The one he’d finally won back. The one he knew he was never going to let go. Not in a million fucking years and then beyond that as well.


One year later

Luna knew what was coming.

Her parents were pissed with her that she only wanted a small wedding. A biker wedding. One held at the MC clubhouse, complete with her biker rebel fiancé, his family, and his extended family that was also her own.

In the past year, she had gotten close with all the women, the old ladies. She had even come to like several of the club whores. She hated calling them that, but as Matthew told her many times, it was what they were. Free pussy for the men who wanted them.

Their ceremony wasn’t quite as small as she had hoped.

The Trojans had an even bigger extended family, and they came in to see the wedding of the Prez’s son.

Tags: Sam Crescent Romance