Page 57 of Mistakes

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They had opted not to stay at the clubhouse that night. The prospects and a couple of the guys and the whores were cleaning the place up. She wanted to be home with her husband and to be there for her kids. They didn’t need to see that kind ofmess.

“It’s complicated. You know how it is.”

“But nothing bad is going on. You haven’t done a run in weeks. Why would they think you have drugs?” she asked.

She knew all the kinds of dangerous shit her husband was into. Mary had gone into their relationship with her eyes wide open, and there was no other way to be.

She loved Pike with all her heart and soul. He had hurt her, so many years ago, but that was a long time ago.

“You know what we’ve done.” He blew out a breath. “We’re…”

“I know you want to protect me from everything that’s going on, and I get it, but you can’t keep protecting me from this.”

“Someone is running drugs in Vale Valley,” he said after several seconds’ hesitation. “We don’t know who it is or how they’re doing it. The stuff is bad, though. People are getting hurt.”

“You have no leads?” she asked, moving toward him, putting her hands on his shoulders, and attempting to massage out the kinks.

“No leads. No nothing. All we know is the shit is poisonous. Fuck me, I’m tired. Now with Preach involved, shit is going to get nasty if we’re not careful.”

Now was not the time to tell Pike about Mac or her worries about him. Mac was still and would probably always be a sticky subject for them to talk about.

Chapter Twelve

Luna was thankful to be at the diner working. She had heard the gossip at the tables about the cops being at the clubhouse, raiding it. All she could think about was Matthew. This had to be about the drugs.

The rumors were everywhere. Something about kids being found at a park after a bad OD. It wasn’t making a whole lot of sense.

She wanted to go to Matthew and make sure that he was okay.

The crowd soon died down, and it wasn’t long before Mac told her to leave. He was in a rush to get her out of the diner, that as she shoved her hands into her jacket pocket, she realized that she had forgotten her cell phone.

She glanced back at the diner and wondered if she wanted to run the risk of arguing with Mac and possibly losing her job. He was so fucking grumpy lately. Mac had always been grumpy, but now, he was even more so.

Rolling her eyes, she refused to be bullied by him any longer. Going back to the diner, she squared her shoulders and then very quietly snuck into the diner. She made sure not to let the bell go off and closed the door without a sound.

She tiptoed across the diner and went to the empty staffroom. This late at night, it stunk like grease. It was gross.

She opened her locker, and there was her cell phone.

Picking it up, she saw she had several text messages and a couple of missed calls from Matthew. She closed her locker and was heading out of the door when Mac’s raised voice put her on high alert.

“I fucking told you. I wanted shit planted there. They were going down.”

A feminine whimper escaped and Luna tensed up.

“I’m so sorry, Mac.” A sob. “But they, I, they will kill me.”

Luna froze in the main dining hall.

“They’re going to kill you, Cathy?” Mac asked.

Another scream.

“What do you think I’m going to do to you?”

Luna crouched down and shuffled across the floor, trying to find a hiding spot.

She had to call Duke. She didn’t have his freaking number saved, and with the calls she’d made looking for another job, she didn’t recognize his.

Tags: Sam Crescent Romance