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"I have. I'm getting fake married to her. Don't worry. While I buy us some time with the engagement, you two are going to be finding a way out of this. There's no way we're handing this company back to Dad."


After the café with Gemma, I’d stopped by the center to do my leave paperwork which had taken a couple of hours. By the time Saint’s car took me back to the original scene of my B&E, it was late afternoon. All Saints Technologies.

I supposed I should be happy I was walking in the front doors this time. The driver came and opened the door for me, and I thanked him as I smoothed my hands down my skirt. Simple but elegant, it was one of the items of clothing the mysterious Maureen had picked up for me. A designer label I didn't recognize since, for the most part, I dressed like a student at all times. From the items Maureen had delivered, I was able to pair it together with simple flats and a fun blouse with little pineapples on it. A silky material that made the little ruffled cap sleeves stand out. When I walked into the building, I saw the familiar face of Westin smiling at me.

"There you are,"he said with a grin.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, that’s a fine how do you do, neighbor," he said with a quick flash of a grin, making a dimple peek out. This man was dangerous. Flashing his dimples left and right. How many women had swooned at him today already? Just here in the lobby there were several women who stopped and stared.

"You should probably stop doing that. Someone is going to walk into a glass door or something."

Westin's brow puckered. "What?"

"The smiling dimple thingy. It's unnecessary with me."

He chuckled low then whispered conspiratorially, "What smiling dimple thing?"

I gestured in the vague vicinity of his face. "That one. What are you doing here?"

"I think Saint told you I work security. Those men following you all day work with me."

I blinked slowly. "He said that, but you’re too young to be doing something so dangerous."

He shrugged. "Let's just say I am precocious. Right now, it's just me with a few friends, but lucky for you, I live down the hall. I told Saint I'd meet you here today."

"Right. So, you're my armored tank?"

He gave me a wink and a nod. "Walk softly and carry a big stick. I’m your big stick.”

If only his charms worked like Saint’s did.

He led me to security, where a grizzled, elderly Black man gave me a badge and a smile that made his dark eyes crease at the corners, reminding me of my own grandfather.

"Guess this is it. I’m officially part of the family now?"

"Saint has a thing about people in trouble. He's willing to do everything in his power to protect you. That’s who he is."

"It's not exactly the vision I had of a billionaire."

Westin choked. "Yeah well, he's not your typical Bruce Wayne, but close enough in this situation."

"That's exactly what I was picturing. Well, without the bat costume anyway."

Westin winked at me as he led me to the elevators. "Well, maybe ask him if he's into kinky shit. He might wear one for you."

My face flamed, and Westin just chuckled as he pressed the button for the twentieth floor. "Do you think he's crazy for doing all this ,Westin?"

"Well, it's not my job to have an opinion. It is my job to make sure you stay safe."

A young red head at reception sent a dazzling smile to Westin and then she sent me a far less cheery one. "Can I help you?"

"Um, yes, I'm here to see Maureen Flanaghan."

The girl frowned again. "And who should I say is calling?"

Tags: Nana Malone Gentlemen Rogues Romance