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"Right. So, I'm in trouble. I know it. You know it. Everyone knows it. But again, why would I marry you?"

"Because of my name. The Saint name is a very powerful one, and at the very least it will buy you time to figure out how to live your life safely."

All I could do was stare at him.

Two days ago, I was convinced he was working with Connor Lohman. Convinced. I had bet the farm on it. But I'd been wrong, because if he was working with Lohman,I would have been dead by now. I ran my hands through my hair, my curls, essentially a rat's nest forming a fuzzy afro halo around my face. I probably needed a good deep conditioner, and my products. Jesus, how was this my life?

"How would this even work? I have no clue how getting married to you protects me."

"Well, for starters, we wouldn't actually have to get married. We just need to make enough noise about you being my fiancée. We make a big and splashy announcement that will give them pause before coming for you again. No one would try killing you with a marriage to a Saint on the line. There's more of a ransom concern, but again, they'd have to get to you. There wouldn't be any more subversive attacks."

"Can you guarantee that?"

"No, I can't. But the Saint name would make someone pause. Especially if that someone didn’t know that we were affiliated or connected before."

I narrowed my gaze at him. He was saying things that sort of made sense, but why? "I don't get it. What does your name have to do with my safety?"

I mean, I knew that All Saints Tech was a big company, family owned with a shit ton of money. I knew that Jasper Sainthad lost his fiancée, but what was I missing from what he was sitting here and trying to tell me?

Saint stood up and rocked back on his heels, his hands in his pockets, shirt sleeves rolled up, tie off, and he looked… delicious. Like, the real him was more casual than the suited and booted look. But he also looked sort of contrite, like he was sorry for something. Clearing his throat, he said "Three years ago, my fiancée died in a car accident. Except it wasn't an accident. My father very famously went on live telly and told the world that he would pay anything for information on the people who killed her."

I blinked slowly. "I remember something about that."

"For the most part, it was my father dealing with his grief of losing Elise, except… not so much as a father-in-law would have acted. I discovered that while I was shipped out on military appointment, they had a relationship.” His eyes met mine, and I could see all the betrayal and pain in their green depths. His voice was steady but heavy with the weight of what he was telling me.

“But not everyone knows that. My father became ruthless in his pursuit of her killers. Any lead we had, he followed it up and met it with vengeance. He hit fast. He hit hard. He hit finances. To my knowledge, he didn't kill anyone, but there are criminal organizations that are missing some serious money. Father made sure that anyone who had even a touch point to legitimate businesses lost all their access and all their power. So, these days, word on the street is it's not a good idea to mess with a Saint."

I stared at him in disbelief. "But doesn't that open you up to vulnerability and vengeance?"

He gave me one of his panty-melting sheepish smiles. "No. There's something to be said for the fear it instills when you're working with billions and not millions."

I blinked at that statement. "Ah, okay then."

"Besides, we don't actually have to get married. Like you said, we don't know each other."

"I said I'm not even sure I like you."

He lifted a brow. "That's impossible. Everyone likes me."

"No, not everyone."

He shrugged. "Give it a chance. I know there are lots of women who would agree that I’m very likable."

"Oh yeah, speaking of the women in your past is making this whole let's-get-married thing seem like a fantastic idea."

"Look, I know it's sudden and it's jarring. I don't even know if you have a boyfriend, or girlfriend, or someone significant. But my name can provide you with protection."

"And if I take your protection, how long does it last?"

"This will save your life. Once word is out that we’re engaged, I can openly provide security for you. The twat down the hall is more than just a friend. He is part of a private security company."

"But why would you do this for me? You don't know me at all, and now you are jumping at the chance to marry me?"

"You needed a friend.” The smile that lit up his face at being my friend suddenly closed down and his jaw clenched. In a cold tone, Saint stated, "And let's remember that they also attacked me. Someone should answer for that."

Saint talking about being friends and his protective nature over me was breaking me down. "I just want to go back to my life. I had a job. I had friends. I had a life. I had school. I don't have that anymore."

Sitting down on the couch close to me, he reached out and took my hand in his. "You can't go back to your life exactly as it was. Not right now. Maybe in a couple of months, love. But in the meantime, we can keep you safe and you can still do some things."

Tags: Nana Malone Gentlemen Rogues Romance