Page 113 of Avoidance

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“He’s Superman,” I said, standing. I walked into the house to look for Beverly. She should be outside enjoying the party with us. I poked my head into the kitchen to find her squeezing lemons into a pitcher of water. “Whatcha doing?”

“I figured I would wait inside until everyone has arrived. I want to be able to hear the doorbell.”

“I can wait in here,” I said. “Go in the pool.”

“How does the water look?” she asked. Tim had always been the pool expert. This was the first summer without him, and Beverly had to hire someone to open the pool unbeknownst to the boys. As usual, she did not want them to know she was struggling with something without their dad.

“It’s amazing.” I stood beside her and gave her a hug. “Youare amazing.”

“Right back at ya, kid.” She squeezed me tightly.

“Now, go out there and enjoy that pool.”

She reluctantly picked up the pitcher and left the kitchen.

I cleaned up the lemon remnants, and wiped down the island. I watched everyone outside through the window by the sink. Everyone was smiling. Everyone was here. Everyone was okay.

The doorbell rang, jolting me out of my thoughts. I walked to the foyer and opened the Brooks’ front door. “Hi.”

Claire’s smile mirrored my own. “Hi. I, uh, brought watermelon.”

I took the container from her. “I told you, you didn’t have to bring anything. Thanks for coming.”

“Thanks for inviting me.”

I gestured for her to come inside. “I wasn’t sure if you would want to come.” I shrugged. “It is a little awkward, I guess.”

Claire nodded in agreement. “My daughter invited me to a party. I wouldn’t miss that for the world.” She pointed to my inked up arm. “That looks great.”

I looked down at the beautiful warrior princess permanently drawn on my skin. “I know you never liked tattoos.”

“This one suits you.”

I smiled. “Come on. Everyone’s out back. I’ll introduce you.”


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