Page 59 of Naive in Love

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“I was on the beach. Didn’t Paige tell you where I was?” I ask as calmly as possible, hoping this can end the discussion and we can move on to something else.

“Yes, Paige said that, but she could lie for you.”

I shrug, not wanting to say anything else that could be held against me. “I’m sorry. I was hurt hearing that girl on your phone. I just need to push it out of my mind.”

He brings my hand up to his mouth again, kissing it, then pulling me gently and meeting me in the middle of the table for a sweet kiss.

“Babe. I’m sorry, too. It’s stressful being away from the one you love. I was thinking about you the whole time you were gone. And worried. I don’t want to lose you. I need you.” He rubs his thumb on the back of my hand. “I’ve missed you so much. I love you.” His tone, full of emotion, brings tears to my eyes. “Come here.”

I slide out of my side of the booth and join him. He wraps an arm around me and tucks me into his side.

“I love you so much. I was going crazy without you.” He kisses the top of my head. “You’re back now. We’re back together. It’s all going to be okay now. I promise. How about I take you on a date tonight? Just me and you.” He squeezes me, teasingly.

This. This is what I’ve missed about Caleb. This gentle side. I’m so unsure about my next step forward, but this is what I’ve been needing to hear from Caleb. Choosing between Ethan and Caleb just got harder.

“Where?” Calm sets in.

“Not sure yet, but I’ll figure something out.”


Itching for tonight’s date,I nervously clean my room while waiting for him to arrive. At the knock on my door, my excitement, and nerves, heighten. If tonight crashes and burns, I know what I need to do.

“Hey, babe, ready?” He takes a step closer, pulling me to him, lifting me in a hug and crashing his lips to mine. The kiss is filled with all the passion we haven’t had since before the winter break. “Let’s go!” he says with childlike enthusiasm.

Tonight’s adventure is a secret. All day when I asked, he would not tell me where we are going, so when he pulls into a small entertainment venue, I’m surprised.

“We are taking it old school. Ready to have fun?” The smile on his face says it all.

“Bring it!” I say, giggling.

The place is filled with high schoolers. Game noise and lights galore surround us. The place has a small five-hole putt-putt area, go-kart racing, and an indoor area with all kinds of video games.

“Pick your poison, doll!” he says loudly.

“Get ready, I’m about to leave you in my dust.” I laugh and grab his hand, pulling him to get in line at the track.

“Really?” He looks at me surprised when we settle in line, hugging each other to keep warm in the winter night chill. Surprisingly, there is still a line of people braving the cold.

“Are you kidding? I love this.” I bounce on my toes.

He brings his head down to meet my lips, kissing me softly. “I’m really glad.”

Our race is fun, but we are beat by a couple of teen boys. Back inside, we play several games and eat too much junk food. A group of kids yelling at the indoor basketball hoop attracts our attention. A couple of guys are shooting baskets at a moving hoop, trying to win a giant stuffed animal. We watch them for a couple of rounds until they finally give up and return to their dates empty-handed.

“My turn.” Caleb lets go of my hand, heading to the guy manning the game. He hands money to the guy and takes a ball from the holder. I step closer toward him as he spins the ball in his hands.

The guy asks him, “Ready?”

Caleb turns to me, winks, and says, “Let’s do this.”

I watch Caleb bring the ball up, and concentration covers his features before he lets the ball go. It swirls through the air and goes in the hoop. He bends over and picks up the next ball and does the same thing. I watch closely as his eyes move with the basket, his concentration never broken by the noise surrounding him. The ease and grace with which he sinks the next four baskets excites me.

When his last ball goes in, he turns to me with a cocky smirk and an arched eyebrow. “Ever a doubt?” He takes a couple of steps to me, enveloping me in his arms. “Which one you want, babe?”

I pick a huge classic teddy with a red bow tie.

Our date is easy, fun, and filled with laughter and conversation, everything that has been lacking between us. As perfect as it was, there is still something nagging me in the back of my mind. On our way home, he asks if I want to meet the guys at a bar. I tell him no, not wanting to add alcohol to our date, especially when things have been so good. He seems surprised but doesn’t say anything as he drives me home.

Tags: Tori Alvarez Romance