Page 5 of Naive in Love

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“What to wear, what to wear…” Paige starts chanting softly and tapping her fingers on the table. “Playboy bunnies?”

“Too cliché’.” I shake my head and wrinkle my nose. “I’m sure there will be dozens upon dozens of Playboy bunnies out that night.”

"Charlie's Angels," Bree chimes in while holding her two hands together forming a gun with her fingers, just as the food arrives.

Laughing I respond, "That might work. Let's think on it."

After breakfast we walk outside for our goodbyes.

"I'm serious, Sof, if you need anything, call or come up every weekend. No more ignoring the world. Let us know what’s going on." Briana hugs me tight.

"We also need to plan a trip to San Antonio next month for your birthday. Start thinking about where you want to go and what you want to do." Paige hugs me as Bree lets go.

"Y’all are the best. I would be lost without you two.”


The drive homeis traffic filled and takes a while due to the stop-and-go stretches, but it gives me time to think. I have been so focused on the negative, I had completely forgotten the good friends I have. I had a blast last night even though I didn’t know anyone at the party. I need to find the courage to put myself out there on my own.

It is just after one when I get back to my apartment. I head to my room to unpack, get settled, and text Caleb.

Exhaustion settles in after the late night and drive home, so I lay down for a quick nap.

A text from my mom wakes me, and I’m surprised it’s already after four and there is still no text or call from Caleb. I contemplate texting again but don’t want to seem desperate. One more text, that’s it.

Me: still on 4 tonite?

I talk to my parents for a few minutes, complaining again about my roommate, venting about us not getting along—or more accurately, her ignoring me. I tell them about my trip to Austin. It is a few minutes past five when my phone rings with Caleb’s name across the screen.

“Hey, stranger, what have you been up to?” I try to hide the annoyance and disappointment in my voice at his lackadaisical approach today.

“Sorry I didn’t respond earlier, but I’ve been busy.”

Really? A quick text takes less than a minute.

“No problem.” I fall back into the bed, disappointment enveloping me at his unenthused tone. Regret for sending the second text eats away at me. “Want a rain check?”

After a short pause he says, “No way, I just need an hour to unwind, and then dinner with you is just what I need. Where do you live?”

“At the Village Apartments on campus, but I can meet you wherever we go, if that’s more convenient.” I try to give him an out in case that’s what he’s looking for.

“I’ll pick you up, what apartment number?”

* * *

Time slowly passesas I pace around my room, waiting on Caleb to get here. Footsteps on the stairs outside and a knock on the door announce his arrival. I open the door and struggle to keep my jaw from dropping. He has on shorts, flip-flops, and a vintage concert tee that is stretched across his chest and shoulders.

“Hi.” I catch myself smiling a little too big.

“Hello, there,” he says as he brushes my cheek with the back of his hand, pushing a couple of loose layers behind my ear. “Ready?”

“I am… Let me get my purse. Where are we going?”

I walk back into the living room to pick my purse up from the coffee table. When I turn around, he’s standing right in front of me. I jerk, slightly taken by surprise. He gives me a cocky grin as he brings his hands up to my cheeks and gives me a gentle, short kiss.

“I just figured we could get the first kiss taken care of and relax the rest of the evening.”

The way he kissed me was so sweet, but his control of the situation makes it oh so sexy. I really wish it had lasted longer.

Tags: Tori Alvarez Romance