Page 2 of Naive in Love

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"Thanks, I made my copies, so I should be safe from a ticket, I think." I shrug and hold my smile, not wanting to seem desperate.

“No worries. I’ll cover for you anytime. But…I was wondering…why I didn’t hear from you?” His playful expression falls as his brows pull in.


He continues, “Didn’t you see the note I left you?”

“No…uh…where?” I bite my lower lip.

His lips pull a fraction. “So you’re not a nosy kind of girl, huh?” He opens his notebook and tears out a page. “I like that. Most girls love to snoop.”

He hands me the page he tore out, and I readCall me later 210-444-4649.Caleb MartinI look up at him, trying hard to give him a flirtatious look (remembering I am cute and don’t ooze sexiness).

“Maybe I will.” I finish with a flirtatious eye roll I have seen my friend Briana do hundreds of times.

“Come have coffee with me.” He takes my free hand.

“I wish I could, but I have class and should go before I’m late. But thanks. Rain check?” I desperately want to take him up on the offer, but I need to start getting my life together.

“Sure, but now you know to call or text later. See ya.” He smiles and squeezes my hand before walking away. I am officially a big ball of mush.

I walk into my next class, finding a seat in the back so I don't disturb anyone, and settle in for the next hour. All through class I keep thinking about Caleb. I can’t believe a guy gave me his number. That he came to see me because I didn’t call him. With my thoughts everywhere but on the lecture, class ends quickly, and I head back to the apartment.

I debate whether it is too soon to text him. I go back and forth in my mind until finally I decide to send him something quick so that he has my number.

Me: How was the coffee? Now u have my # - sophia

Caleb: pretty lonely…ur class?

Me: the usual…busy?

Caleb: nope…just wondering if I would hear from u

Me: glad I didn’t disappoint

Caleb: wanna go out sat?

He’s asking me out? Oh my gawd! This is a serious change from my normal. I would love to say yes, but I already told Bree I would go to Austin. Maybe it will be good to say I have plans; I won’t look lame with nothing to do.

Me: cant…out of town

Caleb: where 2?

Me: ATX…visit a friend

Caleb: have fun…talk later

Me: Sure

* * *

Friday nightas I’m lounging and watching TV, my phone pings an alert. It is a request on social media from Caleb. I smile to myself and open the app up to accept and follow him in return. I open his profile and am greeted with pictures of him with people; the majority of them are different girls. I begin to wonder who they are. While scrolling I receive another alert from another app that I have a new follower. Caleb has followed me on a couple of apps. I’m scrolling around when a text comes through.

Caleb: What r u up to?

Me: Watching TV, being lazy. U?

Caleb: chillin before I head out. Just wanted to say hi before u left.

Tags: Tori Alvarez Romance