Page 37 of Billionaire Grump

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Amelia walks ahead of us while Clare is at my side. I grab her wrist, pulling her close. “Don’t fuck this up,” I whisper into her ear, a warning.

Clare raises a curious eye. “I didn’t butcher the last two interviews.”

Does she think she’s so high and mighty?

We are given a tour of the school and property. Each school that we’ve seen is similar enough, with jungle gym equipment, computer lab, science lab, classrooms, the works. I’m not getting a vibe that one private school is significantly different from another.

Maybe that’s for the best, since I’ve gotten Amelia blacklisted from two of the three establishments.

“Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Luxenberg,” the gentleman says, holding out his hand for us. “I’m the headmaster, Martin Walker.”

“Miss Raine,” Clare says, offering her hand. “We’re not—I’m his nanny,” she says with a nervous laugh.

Is she flirting with him?

My stomach flops, and my hands bunch into fists.

“Oh, that’s highly unusual. We don’t normally meet the nanny,” Martin says.

I force a smile. “She’s been a real asset these last few days.”

Amelia is off with one of the staff members, taking another test for the day. It’s too bad she couldn’t do one exam and bring it with her, but I suppose she’s gotten a lot of practice for the final.

“Tell me about Amelia,” the headmaster says.

I open my mouth, but Clare takes control of the topic. “She’s so bright and eager to learn. I’ve only been with Amelia for a few days, given the recent situation, but she loves reading. Every night, she curls up with a book before going to bed. And she spends a solid hour reading with her father.”

“That’s good,” Martin says with a nod. “What about the recent loss of her mother? I’m sorry if I’m being quite so direct, but we do need to know if we’re in for any behavioral issues.”

My cheeks burn, and I’m fuming. I open my mouth, but Clare beats me to it, again.

“I’m sure you can imagine how difficult this situation is for such a young child. To be uprooted and brought to a new city. I’d say, given the circumstances, she’s done amazing. I’m sure that she is grieving and will be for some time, given the loss of her mother, but Amelia has not shown any sign of any behavioral issues that would be of concern.”

“I can assure you, Mr. Walker, that I have scheduled a child psychiatrist to meet with my daughter later this week.”

“As a precautionary measure,” Clare adds. “Losing one’s mother in such unfortunate circumstances and witnessing it can be traumatic. Her father wants to get ahead of it before any behavioral issues come up.”

“Good. Good.” He nods. “Let me check and see if Amelia has finished her exam. If you two would wait here.” Martin lets himself out of the office, closing the door and leaving the two of us alone.

“That went well,” Clare says, giving me a winning grin.

“Did it?” I can’t tell. I feel jaded after the last two interviews blew up in my face.

She smiles widely. “Now, we just wait to see if Amelia is ready to join these pretentious—”

I glare at her as the door opens to the office, and she shuts her trap. I swear if that woman ruins the last chance Amelia has of enrolling in a private school, I will bring the fires of hell and let it rain down on her.

“Wonderful news,” Mr. Walker says, and I’m relieved he didn’t happen to catch Clare’s remark upon entering the room. “Amelia did fantastic and is ready for enrollment.”

“Great. There’s one more thing. I’ll be taking her out of school next week for a trip to Europe. I need to travel for work, and given the recent circumstances, I’m sure that you can understand why I wouldn’t want to leave her in anyone else’s care.”

“Even your nanny’s?” Mr. Walker says, his brow furrowed.

Have I gone too far? Perhaps I should have waited another week before scheduling the interviews. It’s too late now.

“Clare will be accompanying us on the trip. As I said, I think it’s in the best interest of Amelia’s mental health.”

He’s quiet, pensive. “I’m not happy about this, and we can’t start her this week to pull her out of school next. If you’d like, we can begin her enrollment online, and your nanny, Miss Clare, could help with her assignments until she’s back in the country to begin her proper education.”

Tags: Willow Fox Billionaire Romance