Page 34 of Billionaire Grump

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I gasp at how easily he’d spend his money on his daughter. “A million dollars?”

I’ve never made six figures before, let alone known anyone who broke seven figures. “You’re a millionaire?” I rasp. It’s rude. I shouldn’t even be asking. I mean, it’s obvious with the house, the fancy cars, the way he tosses hundreds at me like they’re twenties.

“Billionaire,” he corrects me, and glances past me at Amelia. “She’s done eating. Take my daughter upstairs and get her dressed. We need to be out of here in thirty minutes.”



I didn’t intend on telling her that I’m a billionaire. Clare irritates me to no end. And to think that I wouldn’t do anything in my power to give Amelia the world, what kind of a man does the nanny think I am?

I may not be the kindest or gentlest, but I have my reasons, and no one has ever complained before. Well, at least not to my face.

Money buys a lot of things and not just tuition to a private school. Without my name, the academies we’re interviewing with today would never have considered allowing Amelia to enroll.

The school year has already started, and this is an unusual situation.

Amelia comes hurrying down the stairs while I wait by the front door, checking my watch.

“Clare?” I shout, waiting for her to emerge from upstairs as well.

She’s still in her pajamas, but unlike last night, she’s got the entire ensemble on. Too bad. I really liked seeing her in her panties.

Clare pokes her head over the banister. She isn’t dressed yet to come with me. “Yes, sir?”

I’m not sure whether I prefer her to call me sir or Panty Thief. I’d rather her not be quite so formal. At least when she teases me with that scandalous nickname, I know she likes me.

She’s flirting with me, isn’t she?

I thought she was, hell, I was sure of it. Up until I kissed her. The heat between us had been tantalizing, my insides aching to feel her against me.

And when I leaned in, she didn’t return the kiss.

What was that?

I must have read the signs wrong.

It’s for the best. I can’t go around sleeping with anyone I hire. She could try to sue me, and I can’t afford a lawsuit. It’s not the money that would be the issue; it’s the fact that Amelia wouldn’t be able to see Clare every day.

Although I doubt Clare could afford a lawyer, either. But I’m sure some sucker would be happy to work for free, knowing that a man like me would settle before allowing the case to go to trial.

Clare isn’t like Avril. I need to put my fears aside. That woman has been itching to get ahold of my wallet or my last name, whichever she can snag first.

I force a smile, staring up at Clare. “You’re coming with us. Get dressed and meet us in the car. Two minutes.”

“Two minutes?” she shrieks. “I need at least five.”

“You have two.”

I take Amelia’s hand and lead her outside to the awaiting vehicle. Douglas is pulled up under the canopy, the engine running. I buckle Amelia into her car seat while I wait for Clare, the back door open.

I tap my watch as Clare scurries out the front door, shoes in hand. She’s got a simple black dress on that hugs her curves but reveals no skin. With the dress, she’s wearing a deep gold cardigan. Her hair is a bit messy, but she has a clip between her teeth.

I’m impressed with her taking only two minutes.

She slips into the backseat, and I shut the door, leaving her to finish getting ready.

I climb into the front with Douglas. He already has the itinerary that was sent to him by my assistant.

Tags: Willow Fox Billionaire Romance