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“No, I already knew it.” Lucas tugs gently on the end of my braid. “I like stuff lik

e that.”

A pleasant zing tingles from my stomach. I tip my head back to see him.

“I thought you were a football meathead.”

Lucas stares at me with an open expression. “Actually, I want to study architecture at Oak Ridge College of the Arts.”

My lips part and my stomach swoops. I was right. I don’t know Lucas at all.

Every student and faculty member talks about Lucas Saint’s pro prospects in football.

I just assumed…

Like everyone else does.

It’s a really good school. I’m looking at it for their fine art degree in photography.

“They don’t have football scholarships there.”

Lucas is silent for a long stretch. He traces my nose from tip to bridge and cups my face.

“I know,” he murmurs.

I feel like Lucas gave me a small piece of himself. I can see him better now that I have a key to unlock the door.

It’s the guy he showed me on the boat, when it was just us and his pug dog.

This is someone I could like. Maybe even fall in love with.

An electric static fills the air.

I let Lucas encourage me out of the desk chair. He crowds me against the desk, framing my face with his hands before kissing me.

Kissing Lucas becomes a storm.

The thud of my heart resonates like rain in my ears, the insistence of his tongue the thunder that reverberates in my bones, our harsh breaths the strike of lightning illuminating what we need.

Lucas walks me across the room and we fall to the bed. He’s all over me, a flurry of heat and lips and hands that peel me apart. He works my braid free.

My legs wrap around his waist and we grind against each other, the pleasure muffled by our clothes. I want to strip bare again, to feel his skin on mine once more with no barriers to hide from each other. Lucas must feel that need, too. He rucks my sweater up to lay kiss after kiss in a trail down my stomach until he reaches my jeans.

A rough noise leaves Lucas, his hot breath washing over my sensitive skin as he tugs my jeans down without unbuttoning them, taking my underwear with them. He follows the path with his lips, and then he descends in a rush of perfect wet heat.

“Yes,” I sigh once his mouth is on me.

Lucas growls and in no time at all I’m a tight wire moments from snapping, his tongue inescapable as the heat builds in my belly.

It’s like my body is attuned to his, primed to fall apart at a whisper from him.

Lucas strokes my folds and when he slides his fingers inside, I’m a goner. The mounting pressure explodes in a chorus of pleasure behind my closed eyes.

Then he’s there, kissing me, tasting the muffled cries of my orgasm as it ripples through me in shock waves.

“That’s it,” he mutters into the kiss. “I love making you make those sounds. Did your pussy miss my mouth? I’ve been hungry to taste you again since the minute you left my place.”

I reach down to palm his cock and he groans, attacking my mouth again.

Tags: Veronica Eden Sinners and Saints Romance