Page 19 of Hot Wolves

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“You monster!” I was actually having quite a spot of fun playing along with her little skit. “We wolves have a strict code of honor where we are never to scare a single bunny!”

“Lock me up and throw away the key, then.”

“Oh, that could be arranged,” I said with a grin.

Suddenly, she broke off a piece of her sandwich and handed it my way. “You keep eyeballing it,” she explained.

And I had, because peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were, without a doubt, my kryptonite. I once had an Uncrustable and, I swear, I died and went straight to Heaven and, in my culture, we don’t even believe in Heaven.

“I don’t want to deprive you of your food,” I said. “Won’t you be hungry without this?”

“Don’t worry about it. You guys are bringing over pizza tonight, right? The hungrier I am, the better it will taste.”

“That’s a strange logic you’ve got there but I’m not about to argue.”

And, so, we both enjoyed our half of the sandwich while soaking up the sun.

“I have to ask, because you guys are unlike anyone I’ve ever met before.”

“Go on,” I said after swallowing the last bite. Immediately, I was washed over with sadness. I always felt that way after finishing a meal.

Jane popped open a bag of chips. “Well, where are you guys originally from?”

“Originally?” I thought it over. “Alaska.”

“Alaska?” Her eyes widened. “What the hell are you doing all the way in Virginia?”

“The mountains, mainly.”

“You’re strange. Very, strange.”


“You just are. I can’t quite put my finger on it but you guys are like aliens or something.”

“Maybe we are.”

She held up her hand. “I liked it better when you pretended to be a wolf. You’re much sexier that way.”

“Oh, really?” I raised an eyebrow in question, a coy smile on my face.

“Don’t get any funny ideas, wise guy.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She offered her bag of chips but I declined. “Not a fan of salt and vinegar?”

“Too bitter.”

“So, you’re more of a sweet tooth kind of guy, huh?”

“Definitely.” My smile deepened, as I subtly took in the sight of her cleavage. Her shirt wasn’t that revealing but it was enough to send my imagination into overdrive. All I wanted to do was decorate her every inch with kisses and follow a trail all the way to that treasure trove between her legs. That’s where the true treasure was hiding. All I had to do was dive for it and enjoy an endless supply of nectar.


I snapped out of my fantasy. “Sorry, I must have zoned out.”

“I noticed,” she said. “Anyway, my break is over. I should probably get back inside or my boss is going to write me up.”

Tags: Lilly Wilder Paranormal