Page 45 of Protected by the MC

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“Call for backup,” Leo manages to mutter.

“The phone’s in the van…” David groans, as I listen, not able to drown the hatred for this man. This monster.

“You fucking idiot!” Leo growls loudly, as the bears take a step closer to us.

Still at a safe distance, I know what they’re thinking. There are only a few precious seconds. They will offer to let me go. They will want to trade me in for their pathetic asses, so they can continue to do what they’ve been doing all this time, to poor unsuspecting girls, like me. Well, no more. I want these men, these monsters, in the fiery inferno for all eternity.

I yank my arms away from David’s grasp, utilizing the moment of his lack of focus. The dull, almost forgotten ache in my jaw reminds me of a wound that has physically healed, but that will take a long time to fully heal mentally. I heave, using all my strength, as my feet, cracked and bleeding, keep me firmly on the ground. I run towards my saviors, my feet flying, despite the pain, despite the sharp pebbles and rocks on the ground.

“Get her!” Leo shouts, but it’s too late.

I’m already on the other side, choking a sob. Breathing heavily, like my chest is ripped apart. I feel a burning sensation and I check my body. But I’m not hurt. There is no wound, there is no bloody flesh, no skin torn open. I’m alright. I’m safe. But, if these men are allowed to walk out of here, then no other girl in the world is, or ever would be. These doors need to be closed, once and for all.

The bears behind me are breathing as heavily as I am. The strength their bodies ooze seems to press the earth down and stop it from moving. The men opposite us know that all paths eventually lead to us. The heavy pounding of my own heart echoes off the trees and shacks around us. There is no running this time. Sweet nameless girl, I promise to find out who you are and tell your son of the bravery his mother had. I promise.

“Listen, we can just go and you’ll never see us again,” Leo tells us. “You can keep this turf. It’s yours.”

Dex growls behind me. I can see the terror flooding these men’s faces. They didn’t expect that the tables would turn on them like this. For a moment, the shock in their system awoke pity in me, but as long as they are alive, the air around them will be poisoned for everyone else. They are a stain on the bright blue sky and the soft green trees around us. They deserve only one thing and I know my bears know exactly what I’m thinking of.

“What would have been your answer to us, if we asked you that?” I suddenly take over, finding my voice all over again, emboldened by the heavy earthen smell of the protectors behind me.

Leo doesn’t reply. But I don’t look at him. He’s not my business. I mean, he is, in the sense that he is responsible for this whole shitstorm, but I’ll let the guys handle him. He’s theirs. And, whoever decides to join the party. David is the one I want. Adrenaline shoots through my body, but I’m still fighting the urge to move. To attack. Dex’s muzzle rubs my shoulder. Cold and hot at the same time, his breath grazes me. I know what he’s thinking. Amazingly, they’re waiting for me to tell them what to do. They stand behind me, huge, towering protecting, looming, showing everyone that we are a force to be reckoned with.

“You won’t be allowed to hurt anyone else,” I tell them, shaking my head. “Turf has nothing to do with this.”

My bare feet dig into the cold dirt, as I get reacquainted with the animal in me, the animal that yearns, that demands respect. Memory floods me and I remember how David treated me, what he did to me. I never want to go down that old, dirty worn out road.

A roar is heard, loud, then getting louder and louder. It begins in my ears, then spreads all around me. A terrifying noise follows and I realize that a mental leash has been released. My shaky legs find their ground again, regaining balance. The eyes of the dark bears behind me, the silver orbs loom a

bove us. Their sheer size is enough to overload all human senses. Their power is undeniable. And yet, their predatory ways have been subject to me. To keep me safe. I close my eyes. I only think what I want, what I need. My lips never move. Not once. The ruthless bears attack upon my silent command. The scariest thing any of us has ever seen. It’s a flash of claws, a thunder of growls, a storm of power that released the dark force inside of them. My eyes are still closed, as goosebumps erupt all over my skin. I feel like someone from a Stephen King novel, a simple girl who has been wronged so many times and that last of those times turns out to be the final straw, evoking something horrible, all-consuming, all-empowering inside of me.

In just a few seconds, the two men are now lying before my feet. Leo is walking that fine line between life and death. I know that by the time we finish this, he won’t see another morning. David… he was mine to decide. A mental image struck me violently, like something awaking from the deepest corners of my subconscious. My fear spiral has finally reached its end and now, I can see clearly what happened before. It’s not a sneak peek, lurking just beneath the surface. It’s a full-blown movie fest, where David’s hand punching me keeps replaying over and over again.

Theron growls to my right and I just nod. I’m not scared anymore. Determination setting inside of me, I realize I’ve finally found my way. My muscles tense, readying. I turn to Theron and lovingly pet his muzzle. He smells like blood and pine cones, like grass and raw, feral masculinity. I see behind his angry glare and see only one thing. The same thing he sees in me.

I take one step to David. I see he’s trembling. He’s trying to shield his face from me with his hand. I can’t help but think that this is probably how I looked and he felt no pity for me. No mercy. It was sheer luck that he didn’t strike me hard enough to actually break my jaw or neck and kill me instantly. His considerable frame looks pitiful now, as he makes a miserable, whimpering noise. Is he begging for mercy? I don’t know. I can’t hear him. All I hear is the bears’ growling, their animal language clear in my mind.

“I hate you!” I shout, with all my mouth, as my legs fly towards David.

I keep kicking him, my lips pressed tightly together, waiting until my body gives out, but I still don’t stop. I deliver blow after blow and I know that my body can’t deliver a blow as nearly as deadly as his could, but I keep kicking nonetheless. Whimpers leave David’s lips, as the expectation of pain increases. Finally, a tight grip on my arm makes me stop, with heavy breaths still leaving my lips. Zarael’s claw rests on my arm, gently. It’s not a beast’s face I’m seeing. And, I know what he’s saying, I know what they’re all saying. Dex’s muzzle tilts upward, showing me to go into the shack. I know I shouldn’t be seeing what will come next. My lips curl in disgust at the two men.

“You deserve everything that’s coming to you,” I hiss at them, then walk back into Theron’s shack.

I make sure to close the door behind me. I walk over to the bed and lie down. The window is open, but no sound comes from outside, apart from an occasional bird chirping in the trees. I don’t know how long I lie on the bed. It seems an eternity. Then, Theron opens the door. I bolt upwards, staring at him. He’s alone. He is naked, wearing just a towel around his waist. His intelligent, piercing eyes smile at me even before his lips do.

“Is it… finished?” I ask.

“They won’t hurt anyone again,” Theron nods softly, sitting down beside me. He takes my hand in his. It’s warm and tender. There are no remnants from that beastly bear he was only a few moments ago.

“What about - “

“The bodies?” he interrupts me. “Dex will take care of that and Zar will help. I came by to check on you.”

“Me?” I swallow heavily. Just like their inner bears are gone, so is my courage. Right now, it seems like that girl who was so fierce and brave is gone. But the question is, do I really need her back? Can I just be myself with these men, these wonderful, brave protectors of mine? “I’m fine,” I just nod.

“Are you sure?” he asks, tilting his head a little.

“I… I think so.”

Tags: Lilly Wilder Erotic