Page 24 of Wild Bear Mates

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Gerard did his best to hide a grin. “Well, let’s just say for the sake of the exercise that the only rule is to stay within the carpeted area. And, oh, if we tell you to leave, obey.”

Obey. There’s that word again. How many times did you ever hear about that stuff in real life?

“Okay ladies, it’s time. We’re going to walk away for a while so you can get warmed up. Enjoy and we’ll see you soon!” All three of them walked away through the propped open door. I didn’t want to think about this as a sexual experiment. I wanted to be strategic about it. What was in it for them? They obviously were looking for something within us, but what was it? Were they looking for the sexiest, or the most fun, or the hottest body, or was it something deeper? Why did that word submission keep coming up? And how could I show them that I would obey?

I watched as the rest of the ladies began to undress. Some of them threw off their clothes with abandon. Others carefully peeled off layers and stowed them against the wall in neat piles. A few stood with their clothes on, looking awkwardly at the nakedness around them. I wasn’t a prude by any means, but the sight of so many naked bodies in one space was a bit jarring. We all must have gone through a similar orientation, no? If all of the ladies in here had presumably had group sex at least once in their lives, this was merely a click above normal or recent experiences. However, if our orientation was unusual, there would be tears and fights before we knew it.

A few of the girls were already handling the toys. I looked towards the doorway. The shapeshifters were nowhere to be found. When in Rome, I guess. I pulled my dress off and went towards the wall to store my things. After stepping out of my flip flops, I placed my dress neatly on top. I kept my panties on. Although a busty brunette was already rocking against an enormous vibrator, my curiosity was piqued more than my desire. And, they were all strangers. We hadn’t even had a conversation yet. I sat down cross legged near a bunch of toys and a few of the girls that were sitting shyly. The way they were sitting it wasn’t obvious, but I could tell that they were trying to cover themselves discreetly. The clothed girls all sat together in one corner, watching on. The moans of the brunette and some errant vibrating were the only sounds echoing inside the gigantic gymnasium style room. It was all a bit surreal. Next to me, was a cute redhead. She looked about sixteen, blue-eyed with skin the color of milk.

“Hey I’m Cat.” She instantly perked up and smiled.

“I’m Joan. Would it be weird if I shook your hand?” I laughed.

“Maybe a bit. I think they expect us to shake a little bit more than that.” A few of the girls began to stare. A few others had begun experimenting with some of the toys. A girl a few people away from us was attempting to shove a gigantic dildo in her ass. I really hoped she put some lube on that first. “Are you elven?” She was really petite, and her features were almost childlike, despite her hourglass figure and generous B-cup breasts. She almost looked like an anime version of a fairy.

She smiled and nodded. “Your eyes are beautiful.”

“Thanks. They were my mothers.”

I smiled. “Have you ever done anything like this before?”

“Only the ritual orgies and the occasional threesome. Never anything super unusual.” She stuck out her tongue at me and hit my leg with hers.

“Me too. Until the orientation, I’d never done anything more than a threesome. I’m quite glad though, I was getting quite bored with the routine.” I looked over at her, expecting to see a knowing smile, but instead utter confusion was plastered over her face.


Shit. Had I said too much? But what was her orientation like. “Do you think we all had the same orientation?”

“We had to watch a mating video and discuss rules. What in the hell did you do?”

“Oh, I was late to the usual orientation, so there was only four of us in the group. A poorly timed joke. I guess if I had to explain it, it’s not really funny.” I forced myself to laugh. Why would they have given us a different orientation than the others? The noise around us grew louder as more women dove into play. I decided to change the subject.

“Are you into toys?” What a stupid question.

“Um…I’m not really into the mechanical stuff. I mean nothing beats the touch of someone else.” She held my gaze for a bit longer than needed. I did know.

“I’ve actually never tried any toys. Alone or…. with someone.” Two could play at this game.

“What do you say we pop each other’s cherries and get this party started?” Gag.

“I’m going to have to dock you some points for that line, frat boy.”

“I’m literally having an out of body experience with embarrassment. I floated above my own body and watched myself say it, but I just couldn’t stop it.”

I put my hands up in an exaggerated “stop” motion. “I will forgive this infraction, but let me warn you, you’re on thin ice.”

“Let’s see if I can make it up to you.” She leaned forward until she was on her hands and knees. Her face hovered an inch away from mine. I leaned forward to close the gap. Her lips were hot and soft. She began pushing forward into me with urgency, biting my lip a bit too hard.

“WhoahWhoa there. Let’s slow it down.” My finger wiped the place where she’d bit me, it was still throbbing.

“Sorry, I’m just nervous. I haven’t been with a girl since I was a teenager. And even that wasn’t really anything. We just made out and grinded on each other a bit. Practice, you know.” She giggled.

I kissed her again. Reaching forward for her breasts, my fingertips grazed her nipples. Her skin was shockingly warm. I pushed her gently until she was lying down flat on her back. Some of the other girls were watching. They inched closer, taking their toys with them. Instead of ignoring them, I began to engage.

“Now ladies, I want you to help me with something. Joan is nervous. I want you to help me put her at ease.” Behind them, I saw three dark figures enter the doorway. Just in time. My real audience was back. “I’m going to make sure Joan is nice and relaxed for you. Come closer, I want you to watch.” A half dozen girls left their places and gathered around me in a loose circle. Joan looked at me and then covered her face with her hands. I bent down to whisper in her ear.

“The shapeshifters just came in and I want to give them a show that’s going to solidify our places in this breeding camp. Are you with me?” She didn’t remove her hands, but she just nodded. I gently swept her hair from underneath her, arranging it in a pleasant tangle across the floor. Her hair was wild and voluminous and fanned out. I reached out and began massaging her shoulders. The girls stared at us, completely ignoring the shapeshifters that now hovered right outside of our circle. I released her shoulders and continued on to her arms. Her skin was soft and smooth. Her tight muscles began to soften. I grabbed her palms and pinched the tender area between her pointer and thumb.

Tags: Lilly Wilder Erotic