Page 20 of Wild Bear Mates

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“I’m just thinking. Remember when we were talking about whether we could take it or not?”

“Yeah. I’m still not sure. I’m taking it one day at a time. I’d like to see the tryouts first. Then I will decide.” She played with a straw wrapper that she must have found on the table. She bunched it up and stretched it out again. What was Vivica worried about?

“Are you thinking about Dart and Blink?” I certainly was. But, could having sex with someone ugly be the worst thing? Maybe they could surprise me, just as Arkan had. I couldn’t imagine it, but yet again I hadn’t imagined any of this. It simply unfolded before me.

Vivica nodded solemnly. “Maybe I could get around having sex with them after a while. But…having their babies? Putting up with the day in and day out? That’s the reality of this. Once we’re chosen, we’re stuck with one of them. They aren’t going to pass us around once we’re knocked up, right?”

I hadn’t even thought of that. One person. Certainly, the warriors couldn’t expect monogamy. What were the rules exactly? Would sleeping with Vivica be breaking the rules? Arkan? What would happen to me if they found out? “I’m not sure about any of this really. My mind changes by the minute.”

“Let’s try not to think about it. Besides, we’ve got tryouts to complete. We’re acting like we’ve gotten the jobs!”

We both exchanged glances and burst into uncontrollable laughter. We’ve been acting like this is a sure thing, yet we could be sent home at any moment! We were both still laughing when Arkan returned balancing three trays of food.

“What, are you planning to fatten us up before the slaughter?” Vivica cried. I examined the plates on the trays, piled high with dressed spinach leaves and grilled steak. A medley of vegetables, a dip platter with crudités and baked sweet potatoes were on the other tray. Not a bit of mayonnaise or refined carb within the bunch. What a disappointment. Who in the world could get fat off of this food? If they kept this up, I was going to lose weight. Although I could spare a few pounds, I really didn’t want to change my figure. Curves are my thing. The last thing I wanted do was lose them.

“You all need to eat well. Imagine if you were an athlete. You wouldn’t be stuffing yourself with candy bars and soda. You need proper nutrition to perform your duties well.”

“Sir, yes sir.” I saluted Arkan. He furrowed his brow. Maybe that was a tad overboard. Vivica slapped my arm. “Thanks. It looks great. I’m starving.” My stomach grumbled. Come to think about it, it makes sense only having healthy food around. With an appetite like today’s, I might be gaining weight in here after all. For a few minutes, we all ate in silence. I was halfway through a mouthful of spinach, when Arkan spoke up.

“You know I used to be one of the lead warriors.”

Both Vivica and I exchanged glances but kept silent. I wanted to hear where this was going.

“Our strong was extremely strong then. I was strong then. There were more warriors than breeders, but it was an accepted fate. Only the strongest got them. Of course, there was some sharing on the downlow, some of the shapeshifters were into swinging. There were also plenty of shapeshifter groupies that loved to have their fun with the warriors. But for the most part, it was all behind-the-scenes. Kept quiet. Everything was perfect. There was plenty of food, water, space, the air was clean and we weren’t challenged by anything or anyone. That is until the first human appeared. He stumbled into our camp. No one could believe it at first. Our forest was cloaked in magic and it was supposed to be invisible. But, he found it all the same. The council was furious. They even exiled the witch who was responsible for the break in the forest. At the time, we’d gotten so lazy, we even outsourced our magic. We were rich, bloated and arrogant. And it cost us.”

He stared at the wall, his eyes were glazed over, as if he was watching the story he was telling. Vivica and I stared on. His silence was unnerving. Arkan remained perfectly still amongst the chaos of the dining hall. He turned to look at us, but there was no recognition on his face. Did he even see us? “What happened?” I prodded.

He shook his head and continued on. “We were nice to him. He ate our food, walked through our grounds, and even played a soccer game with our warriors. It was disgusting how we laughed at him, made fun of his weakness, slowness, and lack of reflexes. Our strong muscles were the only things we thought about. The only things we thought that mattered. I’m so ashamed.” His voice cracked and he bent his head.

Where could this story be going? Why did it pain him so? I put my hand on his back, but he instantly straightened and pulled from my touch.

“After he arrived, we treated him with kindness and respect. We didn’t know any better. There was no fear. When he strolled into the woods, the gossip was rampant. Women confessed their crushes on the human, men chuckled about him being a slowpoke as he called it. Everyone recounted his good humor. But then, the first of us fell ill. It was Vero, one of our best hunters. He went from lifting trees with one hand to crumpled in a ball asking for his mother in a matter of hours. The contents of his stomach and bowels poured from between his lips…” He paused and looked at us both sheepishly.

I put down my fork mid bite. Vivica followed suit. I wanted to hear more. “Go on. We’re done.”

“He was just the first, but it was a mighty blow. People were spooked. What could have taken down our strongest warrior? And then of course, when the symptoms in the second tribe member started, people knew it had to do with the human. The second victim was a little girl. She was nine or so.” His voice cracked again. “Angel. My angel.”

My hand shot out instinctively to cover his. This time he didn’t move away.

“One by one, we watched helplessly as more members of the tribe went from completely healthy to dead in less than forty-eight hours. It was as if someone had swept the dirt from under our feet. By the tenth, we figured to bury the bodies in graves instead of performing funeral rites. When the body count hit over one hundred, we had to start using mass graves.”

Vivica gasped and put her hand to her heart. I squeezed Arkan’s hand, making sure that he knew that I was there, with him.

“That winter wa

s the leanest on record. We were weakened to the brink with the lack of hunters and warriors. The losses and the lack of breeders and babies born put a dent in our population, about twenty percent at my count. However, our measures were successful and burying the bodies worked in stopping the spread, although we were completely broken hearted from not being able to perform funerals. After the spring, nobody else was getting sick and we began to feel hopeful again. But, we were wrong. One night, a band of humans burst into our camps. They carried guns and bombs and knives. We were able to fight them off, but not before they’d slaughtered thousands of our women and children. Many of the warriors also fell to their guns and bombs. We were crumpled and weak and were set to starve to death, when Dart and Blink arrived. They were lone hunters looking to find some temporary shelter and a few meals. They found us barely surviving and offered to help. Of course, it came with a price. But, we accepted it, so what can we do now?”

He turned and looked straight into my eyes. “I can warn you about them, but I cannot stop them from taking you. The tribe needs them to rebuild. With their virility, we’ve been able to make positive headway on our numbers again. With this new breeding program, inviting non-shapeshifters into our fold, we hope to at least be able to survive and become a faint glimmer of what we used to be. I’ve given everything I have to this place and I can’t see it fall. Understand that. Please.” He grabbed my hand in his. “I want what is good for the tribe and for our future. And I hope you do too.”

I nodded. Arkan had a choice. Himself or the many shapeshifters that depended on each other for survival. He wasn’t about to choose me, something that was going to get in his way. I guess we only had a matter of time before I would be paired with a breeder and we would be forbidden for each other. Squeezing his hand, I spoke up. “I really understand.” I hoped he also understood that until I was chosen as a breeder, I was fair game. And there wasn’t a thing going to stop me from being with him until that day came.


The rest of the evening was uneventful. After Arkan finished telling his story, we took a short walk around the property. Arkan showed us where the pool, library, gym, and health clinic were. These shapeshifters really knew how to pack a whole bunch into cabins. It was quite comical really. After our walk, we departed to our rooms.

“At nine o’clock the first phase of the tryouts will begin. Make sure you get proper rest and get a good breakfast in before then. All of the trainers will meet you at nine. Good luck. After you all start, I’ll swing by to see how it went.”

I waved goodbye and stumbled in to kiss his cheek, but he backed away and swiveled off.

Tags: Lilly Wilder Erotic