Page 17 of Wild Bear Mates

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“And by the way, if you could not mention what happened here with Arkan. At least, until we get a little further on in the process. There’s no need to rile up anyone, especially as fragile as things have been lately.”

“Tell them what?” Vivica stuck out her tongue.

“What happens in orientation, stays in orientation.” I winked at them both.

Arkan picked up the shower gel from the floor and squirted some into his palm.

“Now get your asses under those jets so we can get out of here. I’m starving.”

He turned back toward Kara. “And go feed that raven of yours. It kept me up half the night squawking.” Her eyes turned from warm and bright to stone. That pet bird must be a sensitive topic between them. She nodded and then left without another word.

After quick showers, we dressed and headed out into the sunshine. When I saw all of their happy, smiling faces, I realized I was smiling too. How long had it been since I felt happy for no reason? Maybe I’d found my purpose. My place. Was I home? Great group sex, food, safety, and acceptance. What more could a girl ask for?

“I’m craving a gigantic steak.” Arkan linked arms with me. Vivica grabbed Kara’s hand and we set off towards the dining hall, with the shouts of the soccer players still echoing in the distance behind us.


After we tore into several days’ worth of lunches, Kara needed to return to her work.

Kara addressed both Vivica and I. “I’ll report the outcome of our orientation. You’ll start first thing in the morning with tryouts. Arkan will take you both to meet the warriors. Make sure you get plenty of rest tonight. You’re going to need it.” She popped another grape into her mouth and then stood up at the table, still munching. “It was a pleasure. I truly hope we can do it again sometime.” Before we could respond, she was already speed walking towards the door.

“She’s not one for emotional window dressing, is she?”

Vivica snorted. “Yeah, I guess not. From the sound of it, we were both involved in completing a questionnaire or something.”

“Don’t take it personally. It’s just her way. I’ve known her a long time.” Something stirred in my chest when he said it. The look in his eyes told me he was remembering better days. Arkan was attractive, but his age definitely did show, particularly in the sunlight. He had crinkles around his eyes and creases on his forehead. The man was still gorgeous, but he was definitely on the other side of forty.

“What do we need to know about meeting the warriors?” I p

robed. I wanted to make sure that we were leading the group. Now I know that Arkan broke the rules for me, my confidence shot through the roof. He must have sensed my ability and desire to please. Why else would he have made such a dangerous move?

He cleared his throat and put down the cucumber slice he was fiddling with. “Out of the thirty, there are only two you need to look out for, one they call Dart and another named Blink. What can I say shapeshifters are big on idiotic nicknames?”

“Look out for them? How?”

“They are two of our fiercest warriors, which is why we have to keep them and placate them. But, in other times, most likely, they would have been outed from the tribe. They are loose cannons.” His arms were draped across the chair backs casually, but his eyes glowed with intensity. The cafeteria only held a few girls at the far corner. Their giggles cutting through the hum of the industrial fridges and muttering of the cafeteria workers.

“How do you suggest we treat them?” It seemed to be a delicate subject, so I didn’t want to step on his toes or make him feel like I was pressuring him for information. Vivica glanced at me, but she didn’t say anything.

“Honestly, if I had my way, you would both stay the hell away from them. Try not to catch their eye. They lean towards the sadistic side and are very rough on their breeders. Our medical professionals check the health of all breeders and make recommendations as to whether or not they continue with their roles. Most of theirs don’t last more than one time.”

Vivica’s mouth hung open. If they were that hard on them, how in the world could they be allowed to continue?

“But, why does the tribe let them continue if they aren’t treating the breeders well. Aren’t they under some obligation to keep them healthy?” Vivica’s hopeful pleading was shrill and desperate. I’m sure she felt the same way.

Arkan paused and sighed loudly. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, then opened them again. I’m sure he’d thought long and hard about this and was careful he didn’t say anything that would betray his tribe. Although, I sensed by even telling us this at all, he was already betraying their confidence. “It’s because of their virility. Each breeder of each of them has never produced less than three babies at a time. Our tribe is desperate. We depend on them for survival, even though we hate it.”

“Three babies at a time?” Vivica’s face went pale.

Witches were known to birth twins, but never more than that. I figured I was born to make twins, but I didn’t know how I would hold up with more than that. Although, I’m not really sure anyone was ever really prepared to birth one baby, let alone more than one.

“Unfortunately, they are incredibly virile and there is something about them that causes the breeders to produce multiples with abandon. We haven’t been able to figure it out yet. And unfortunately, they also are ferocious warriors and we need the protection now more than ever.”

“I don’t want three.” Vivica’s face was still pale. Her eyes took on a glossy sheen, almost as if she were seconds away from sobs.

“I told you both before, you’re body no longer belongs to you. If that’s a problem, you’re free to leave. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. We aren’t holding you here. And we don’t want you to stay if it isn’t for you.”

I put my hand on Vivica’s hand. “Let’s go meet the warriors. You can meet everyone and then make your decision tonight.” She smiled briefly, but still looked worried.

Tags: Lilly Wilder Erotic