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“I knew we would be friends, Elly. I don’t know just how to talk to people who say no to cake.” Sophia Rojas’ smile was wide. She was even more energized after entertaining her whole extended family for two hours straight than when we first arrived. I was beginning to like her. And hoped she liked me too…

Just for the sake of this “work.” Nothing more, I had to remind myself.

“Sebastian, your coffee is here. I know you don’t enjoy the treats.” His mother handed him a cup.

Sebastian and I exchanged glances and I giggled.

“I think…” I started, “Sebastian might be growing a new taste for life. I did convince him to have something sweet yesterday, at a local coffee shop. So, he might just have a small bite.”

Sebastian looked at me as if in dismay but he was joking. He smiled at his mother. “Fine. If that’s what will make you…I mean both of you are happy.” Our eyes met again.

His mother gasped. “Elly, how did you do it? I’ve been at him for the last eight years to give up this stoic no-treats ideology he’s fallen into but gotten nowhere. And now you’re telling me my son has grown a sweet tooth? I’ll believe it when I see it.”

We all laughed and settled down on the balcony couches. The room’s color scheme fell under a pleasant violet. In each corner, a pot of purple-tinged flowers grew.

“What flowers are those?” I asked Sebastian as his brother entered the room with their father.

“Verbena, delphinium, clematis, lavender…” he whispered, keeping one eye trained on his father and brother.

“Lavender? I thought I recognized the smell.”

“Freshly cut by Matteo. My mother has a whole lavender plot at the back.”

“So, Sebastian.”

We both turned our heads simultaneously. It was Sebastian’s father. I hadn’t spoken to him yet because in truth he scared me. Unlike Sophia Rojas, Mr. Rojas did not wear an expression of welcome as his default. His eyebrows seemed to be permanently crossed, his mouth pursed, and his eyes suspicious.Interrogating. Sebastian had used that word for his mother, but it felt more appropriate for his father. Every time he looked my way, I felt he could see right through into my thoughts. And knew when I was lying.

Which was all the time by just being there.

“What is with this whole secret-keeping of such a beauty?” His father made himself comfortable in an armchair opposite us.

I gulped.

Sebastian placed his hand above mine. “I didn’t want to steal Elonzo’s thunder. He was in the midst of wedding planning and it would have been unfair for me to take all the attention by announcing my new relationship. Plus, Elly was still back in the States. I wanted you all to meet her before I started talking about her nonstop. I know for a fact Mom would have insisted on meeting her first.”

“My son knows me well.” Sofia chuckled as she handed her husband a piece of cake. They exchanged a brief kiss. Something in me went out for them. They just looked so much in love.

Don’t think about it, Elly. It’s just going to make you hurt.

Sebastian’s brother sat beside his father. They looked alike, Elonzo and Sebastian. Both had their mother’s dark hair, her eyes, and her nose. The little I did know about Elonzo was a few details from Sebastian about his brother’s wedding. Or non-wedding. And the whole steal-the-business-from-the-older-brother scheme, because Elonzo wasn’t business-minded.

So, maybe I knew more about Elonzo than everyone else in Sebastian’s immediate family. I wondered if we would get along, Elonzo and me.

Again, not that it mattered.

“I am happy to hear you were being respectful of your brother,” Mr. Rojas continued.

Elonzo and Sebastian exchanged looks. I couldn’t quite understand what passed between them, but it must have been push enough for Sebastian to continue.

“Yes. Especially, since I had a special announcement to make.” He looked over at me.

We had talked about this. I knew what was coming. But what would his family say? How would they react? What if…what if they saw straight through us? Would they kick us out? Call the police?

Oh, Mom. What did I get myself into?

I could feel the trembles return as Sebastian turned back to his family.

“Elly and I…are engaged.”

Tags: Holly Rayner Billionaire Romance