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It was from Sebastian.

And that’s when it came to me. The thought. That led to another thought. And another…

Elly, you do have another option.


Are you seriously being stubborn right now?

It’s not stubbornness or obstinacy. It’s principles and honor and…

Elly! Your mom is going to die because you slipped on some wet grass. And you are now going on about honor and principles? You can’t afford those. You don’t have the money to be able to afford those things with the couple of hundred dollars you have left in your bank account. So, swallow those principles, and get a reality check…

I bit my lip. Mom noticed.

“What is it, honey? You’ve been very quiet. Please, tell me what’s on your mind.”

Do it for your mom.

“Mom, I…I’ve met someone here in Colombia…” I uttered. It wasn't a lie, but I felt like it was…I was on the border between a lie and truth. I felt guilty, but I pushed the guilt like nausea back down my throat.

Mom’s face changed. It was like someone had lifted a shadow from her. Her expression was brighter, more energetic. She even grinned. And then she…winked.

I blushed.What have I just begun?

“A boy?” Mom winked again. She turned and called for Sarah.

Oh, no.

I gulped.You’ve got to do this. Remember, it’s your mom.

“Yeah. He’s, erm…he’s from around here.”

“Oh, Sarah is in the other room. Tell me more, tell me more. What’s he like? Where did you meet him?”

“His name is Sebastian…”

What could I say about Sebastian? He was handsome. For sure. Devilishly so. But he was arrogant. And proud. And money-driven.

Probably shouldn’t say that to your mom.

And…and…and I wish that he was doing this because helikedme. Like, actually liked me. And didn’t just pity me because I was poor and in a desperate situation. And because I don’t have any other option than being used by him in his scheme.

Probably shouldn’t say that to your mom either.

“He’s…he’s asked if I would stay for a little bit longer in Colombia. But I want to get back to you…” I said, hoping my mom would dissuade me from my decision. Hoping she would see through my disguise and call me out for it and tell me to get home right now, that we could sort something out…

But no.

“Oh, darling. Is he good to you? Is he a gentleman?” Mom asked, her eyebrows raised.

I thought for a minute. I pictured Sebastian in my mind, his face when he was watching me. When he was laughing. When he was confused by a remark I’d made or when he was a little too confident in his skill. I had to admit, in every scenario, there was a look in him. Some would call it cocky, and arrogant. But there was something more. He was flirty, sure, but not in a crude way. He kept enough distance to make me feel safe, though he talked enough to fill the whole room which in itself was annoying. But all of that was to say…I guess he was a gentleman.

“Yes. I guess he is.”

“Then that settles it. Don’t you dare come back now! See this through to the end…” Her voice began to trail off and Sarah’s face appeared.

“Sorry, honey. It’s time for your mom to have her medicine.” Sarah smiled and waved.

Tags: Holly Rayner Billionaire Romance