Page 75 of The Reaper

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“That would be my guess.”

“Does X know how soon Franco will be here?”

“No, but he’s sending Ghost here to help us.”

Ghost had been part of our platoon in the marines, but now he was a fed. “You’re fucking kidding me.”

“I wish I were. I don’t want that asshole anywhere near Rogue. Just like I didn’t want TJ near you.”

I wasn’t going to take that bait. “I don’t trust him. He’s fucking FBI, and we’re harboring criminals.”

“We can trust him. I think he’s proven that. Remember, X trusts him, and that’s who he’s really working for.”

“I don’t like it.”

“We could use the help. We don’t know when Franco will arrive or what direction he’ll come from, and we need to find him as soon as he gets near the ranch. Arturo’s life depends on it.”

“Fine. For Arturo’s sake, I’ll put up with him, but he better leave Rogue alone. The last thing Rogue needs is a man like that bothering him.”

“Ghost did a lot of awesome shit when he was in the marines.”

“I know he did, but then he disappeared. That’s what he’s best at, and that’s not what Rogue needs. He needs someone who will stay.”

“I don’t think Rogue is interested in marrying the man or anything.”

“Rogue needs stability.”

“I’m not going to argue with that, but however fast you have to drive, whatever you have to do, get to that airport and keep TJ from getting on a plane.”

I accelerated even more. I’d already been going at least twenty miles over the speed limit, but I was not going to let TJ get on a plane. I was going to bring him back, and we were going to stop this from happening.

When I was a few minutes out from the airport, I got a text from TJ telling me where he’d parked my truck. I’d hoped to catch him before he went inside, but I wasn’t giving up.

I looked at the GPS and prayed I could beat my expected arrival time. TJ wouldn’t have a ticket yet unless his father had bought one for him and sent him the information. If I were damn lucky, the time he would spend at the ticketing counter would delay him enough for me to track him down.

I skidded into a parking space by the closest departures entrance. The spot was designated for unloading only, but I didn’t give a fuck. If they towed Rogue’s truck, I’d sort it out later. I hopped out of the truck and reminded myself that if I took off running, I’d likely get grabbed by security before I could get through the door. I just managed to hold my pace to a brisk walk.

Once I stepped inside, I texted TJ back, asking him to let me know what flight he was taking and to check in with me after he was in Chicago. I had no idea if he would pay any attention to it or if he would question why I needed to know, but it was worth a shot.

As I was scanning the crowd at ticketing, a text came through from TJ. I had his flight number. I checked the board and headed toward the security area he would most likely use.

It was all I could do not to run. My heart was hammering, and my hands were so sweaty I could barely keep hold of my phone. I had to shove it back into my pocket. I probably looked suspicious as hell, but as long as I got out of there with TJ, it didn’t matter. I was damn good at talking my way out of things. I’d learned that skill in the marines. I’d also use whatever resources I needed to get out of trouble, including calling X.

When I reached the security checkpoint, I saw TJ. He’d just exited on the other side.

“TJ!” I yelled, knowing I was about to get myself arrested.

He turned, and I was glad to see he looked more shocked than angry that I was there.

“Your cousin is on his way here. You have to stay.”

There was a moment when I thought he was going to ignore me and continue to his gate, but he pointed to his right. “I’ll meet you at baggage claim.”

“You better.”

He glared at me, and I turned to go. Two TSA agents were closing in on me. I debated making a break for it, but I’d get to TJ faster if I talked to them than if I caused a big scene. I stopped and raised my hands in surrender as I explained the situation.

They insisted on frisking me, and I was thankful I’d left my gun in the truck. Ultimately, they let me go, and I jogged to baggage claim where TJ was waiting for me, looking furious.

Tags: Silvia Violet Romance