Page 74 of The Reaper

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Rogue rolled his eyes. “Jesus Christ, you can’t be that stupid. He follows you around like you’re Mary and he’s your little lamb.”

Grant burst out laughing at that, and I flipped them both off.

“I’m going for a ride.” The only thing that could possibly help me feel any better was a hard gallop on the wildest of our horses, where all I could do was feel the wind and focus on staying on the horse.

“The hell you are.” Grant pushed me back into my seat.

I shoved at his chest. “Don’t make me fucking fight you.”

“Sit down,” Rogue yelled. Grant and I both turned to stare. He rarely spoke so harshly. “This isn’t a time for fighting. We don’t have long to stop TJ.”

“We can get X’s men to head him off at O’Hare,” Grant said.

I shook my head. “We don’t know what flight he’s going to take.”

“You think X can’t find that out?” Rogue asked.

“He could, but I don’t think you understand how good TJ is. He’s as skilled as any of us. I saw him take out Agent Monroe. His shot was immaculate, and you know how much that means coming from me.”

Grant shook his head. “I have no doubt he could allude one man, but if X sends in several—”

“They won’t be his best. Those men are with him in Boston.”

Grant looked ready to explode, but the buzzing of his phone stopped whatever he’d been about to say. He tapped his headphone to answer without looking to see who it was.

“You want to know where he is. He’s on his way to the airport to fly home because his father ordered him to.” Grant threw his hands up in the air. “Of course he’s not answering his fucking phone… Rhys said he knows it’s a trap… What?… Holy shit.” Grant turned to me. “Go get him. Now.”

Rogue tossed me his keys, and I was out the door moving almost as fast as our best stallion. I didn’t know what was wrong, but the look on Grant’s face told me it was bad. As soon as I was on the road, I called Rogue. “Is Grant still on the phone? What do you know?”

“He’s still talking. I’m assuming it’s X.”

“It has to be for him to agree to take action that fast. Call me back when he’s done.”

My stomach churned, and the only thing keeping it from fully revolting was sheer force of will. I didn’t have time to pull over and vomit. I did my best to focus on the road, but the thought that TJ was in even more danger than I’d realized wouldn’t leave my head. This was my fault. I could have coerced him to stay at the ranch if I’d tried harder.

Even if I couldn’t, I didn’t have to make it easy for him. Why had I given him my keys?

Finally, a call from Grant popped up on my screen, and I answered it. “What the hell is going on?”

“X just got intel that Franco has left the hideout where he was with Arturo. He believes Franco is bringing Arturo to the ranch with the intention to set TJ up. He wants to make it look like TJ is the one who kidnapped his brother.”

“Fuck. So it’s not a trap that’s laid there. It was a trick to get TJ out of the way.”

“That’s what it looks like.”

I was already flying down the highway, but I increased my speed. I had to get to that damn airport. “So why the hell would his father—”

“Franco threatened him.”

“You think he knows Franco is going to set TJ up?” I asked as I zoomed around a slower car.

“No. X personally talked to TJ’s Aunt Van. She’s been with his father since Arturo went missing, and she says he thinks Franco will kill Arturo if he doesn’t lure TJ back.”

I huffed. “Either way, he’s willing to sacrifice TJ.”

“Maybe not. He believes TJ will win. He’s never doubted that TJ is stronger than Franco. He just apparently has no idea how to be a father.”

Damn right he didn’t. I blew out a long breath. “I guess he probably didn’t have any good examples.”

Tags: Silvia Violet Romance