Page 6 of The Reaper

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“No. That’s not it. I just don’t want you fucking somebody like him.”

“I hate to tell you, but I’ve kind of been with the worst of the worst.”

“Not on my watch.”

“He’s all yours, big brother.”

I snorted as he walked out. I was five minutes older, and I had often held that over him when we were kids. I acted older too. Rogue was, without a doubt, the baby of the family. I just hoped he didn’t succumb to TJ’s spell. The man was hot, and he knew how to flirt, but he was not what Rogue needed.

He wasn’t what I needed either. No matter what my dick had to say about it.



I’d tuned out most of the bitching Grant had been doing since we’d left the barn. Fortunately, when we entered the house, a tall blonde woman was waiting for us. She was dressed like a ranch hand, and her long hair was pulled back in a braid. She looked like she didn’t take shit from anyone. I could only assume she was the ranch manager, Madison, a woman Grant and his brothers had helped escape from some of the men his father worked for, the type of men who made Rhys leery of anyone in the same line of business as my family.

Grant paused his tirade to introduce us. “Madison, this is TJ. He’ll be here with us for the foreseeable future.”

“I’m not hanging out in this fucking heat forever,” I said. “Nice to meet you, Madison.”

She gave me an assessing look. “We’ll see. It’s my job to make sure you’re safe, so I’ll do it, but don’t give me any trouble.”

Grant blew out a long breath. His day was clearly not going like he’d wanted it to. “Madison, you focus on running the ranch. I’ll make sure this asshole stays safe.”

“It’s nice to feel so welcome,” I said. The back door opened, and we all turned toward it.

The man who walked in looked exactly like Rhys except his hair was slightly longer. Even if their haircuts had been identical, I would’ve known it wasn’t the man I’d just been ogling.

“Hi, Rogue. I’m TJ.”

Rogue’s eyes widened. “How did you know it was me?”

I shrugged. “I met your brother earlier. You’re not him.”

I realized Madison and Grant were also staring.

“It took me weeks to be able to tell the two of them apart,” Madison said. “And I’m sure they could still easily fool me now.”

“I guess that’s just one of my many talents.”

Rogue grinned. “I can’t wait to tell Rhys. He was sure you wouldn’t know the difference.”

I hadn’t even had to try. If I got closer, I was sure Rogue wouldn’t smell the same either. When Rhys had been close, I’d wanted to draw him to me, bury my nose against his neck, and breathe him in.

Rogue was gorgeous. How could he not be when his brother was, but he carried himself differently. Also, his gaze was appreciative from the moment he laid eyes on me, and he had an easy, flirtatious smile. I didn’t doubt I could have him if I wanted to, but I was going to hold out for his brother. I’d always enjoyed a challenge, and that was exactly what Rhys presented. I wanted him, and I would make it happen.

Madison left to take care of ranch business, and Grant once again ordered me not to leave the house.

“You’ve got to give me something to do. I’m not just going to sit around.”

“Give me the day to think about it,” Grant said. At least he hadn’t automatically dismissed me.

“You did get a laptop, right?” Rogue asked.

I nodded. “Laptop. Phone. All that kind of shit.”

“You could always watch porn for the afternoon.”

Tags: Silvia Violet Romance