Page 5 of The Reaper

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I’d returned to filling the stalls with straw when my twin called my name. “I’m in here.”

Rogue walked in and gave me a curious look. “What the fuck happened to you?”

I wished I’d told him I was busy, and he should come back later. There was no way I could hide the effect meeting TJ had on me, not from my twin. We always knew how the other was feeling. The best I could do was play up the anger so he wouldn’t know I’d been equally turned on by the bastard. Not that I had any intention of acting on it, no matter how hot TJ was. “I just met our new client.”

“Damn. Now I’ve got to meet him if he riled you up like that.”

I snarled at him. “He’s an arrogant shit, and I told him to stay out of the barn.”

Rogue studied me, and I knew instantly I hadn’t managed to convince him I was just pissed off.

“You knew we’d be hosting men like him. I know you don’t like it, but you’re also not that much of a prude. How’d he get under your skin so fast?”

“He… he just did.

“Oh, wow. You want him.”

“No, I don’t.”


“Ri, I’m not playing around. I want to stay away from TJ as much as possible unless I’m on official guard duty. I know how you are. Don’t you dare attempt to put me in his path. He might not survive.”

“Or you might have the time of your life. You deserve a little fun.”

“Withthe Reaper? No thanks.”

“What does his profession matter? Did you see how gorgeous he is?”

I rolled my eyes, but there was no point in denying it. “Of course I did.”

“Where is TJ now?”

“At the house. Grant said he was going to introduce him to everyone else. Go fawn over him, but leave me out of it.”

Rogue’s eyes lit up. He yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it toward me. “Give me your shirt.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Why?”

“Because I’m going to see what he says whenyouwalk into the house.”


“Come on. It’s been ages since we’ve pulled a switch on someone.”

I grimaced at his sweat-soaked t-shirt and tossed it on some straw bales. Rogue and I were identical, and when we were kids, we had a hell of a lot of fun pretending to be each other. The only person we’d never fooled was Grant.

Our father hadn’t bothered trying to tell us apart, and we barely remembered our mother. Grant had really been the closest thing to a real parent we’d had. Part of me wanted to forbid Rogue from pulling the old stunt, but I was also curious.

Were Rogue and I interchangeable to TJ? I’d only met him once. What were the chances he’d have any way of telling us apart? Would he even care? I doubted it. He’d likely be just as happy to fuck my brother as he would be to fuck me.

I pulled my shirt out of my back pocket and tossed it to Rogue.

He grinned as he caught it. “He’ll never know.”

“Whatever happens, just don’t get involved with him. I know you’re stuck out here without a lot of options and all, but stay away from him.”

Rogue lifted his hands in a posture of surrender. “Don’t worry. I get it. You’ve staked your claim.”

Tags: Silvia Violet Romance